"Y/N, it's going to rain.Jb obviously isn't coming-"

"He's coming"I interrupt rudely. "He promised"

Yugyeom sighs"Just let me drive you home"I look back at him.His eyes are soft.I've never seen him act compassionate before, and it's a bit comforting.

Thunder booms in the distance.At this point, my choices are limited.I either ride home with Yugyeom or get rained on.

I rise from the bench, slinging my bag over my shoulder.Yugyeom exhales and turns to lead me to his car.

I slide into the passenger seat, the leather seats freezing cold. Yugyeom turns on the heat and backs out of the lot.

"Why are you doing this?"I ask as we drive along.

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you being nice to me?:

"I couldn't just leave you there?"

"Why?You hate me anyway"

Yugyeom half smiles."I don't hate you"

"Look, if you feel bad for me or something, I really don't need your pity."

Yugyeom shakes his head"Oh, you girls" he says. "The world always revolves around you"

I cross my arms over my chest."What does being a girl have to do with anything"

"I'm just saying, you always assume someone's feeling bad for you"

I look out the window as rain starts to fall.I think about Jb.Why didn't he pick me up?My chest aches.

"Why are you here?"I ask.


"Why are you in America?You're clearly not American"

"What is that supposed to mean?'Clearly not American?"

"I'm not stupid.Your name is Korean and everyone can tell you're Asian, dipshit"

Yugyeom laughs."I moved here four years ago.Why?"he shrugs.

"Wanted to try America on for size,guess"He doesn't meet my gaze.

"So where are you from, then?"

"My name is Korean and everyone can tell I'm Asian,dipshit"

I crack a smile."No, I mean where in Korea."



"We're from the same country,sweetie"he says.

"Please don't call me sweetie"I say for the thousandth time.

"Why do you hate it so much?It's literally a compliment"

"I don't hate it.I just hate it coming from you"

I hate that when you say it,it reminds me of the darkest time of my life.

"I see"He smirks."So you prefer Park ,then?"

"No"I say immediately.This might actually be worse.My first name reminds me straight of my brother.

Yugyeom laughs.It's the first time I've ever seen him really laugh, and it's a nice sight.His eyes squint up and his nice smile carves into his cheeks.

I hadn't realized I was staring and I quickly avert my eyes.Yugyeom notices and smiles wider.

"Honestly, though"he says."You seemed pretty upset back there.Is everything all right?"

I roll my eyes."I wouldn't tell you even if you were the last person on earth."


"Stop it"

"If I call you y/n for a week, will you tell me?"


"Two weeks?"


"A month?"

"Stop talking Yugyeom"

"Come on, y/n.You can tell me.I can keep a secret."

Something about the way he said it made me pause.I open my mouth to snap at his again, but I suddenly stop.I could use a good rant.And from the way Yugyeom looked at me back there, maybe he does care.I mean, he is giving me a ride home.

Jesus.I didn't know 'Yugyeom' and 'Cares' could go in the same sentence without 'doesn't'

"Sometimes I think Jb doesn't care about me"I say in one breath, clamping my mouth shut like a six year old that said a curse word in front of their mother.

Yugyeom nods slowly."Why do you think that?"

"I.."I can't believe I'm talking about this with Yugyeom."He always forgets about me and has so much work and I don't think the other interns have as much work as he does"I take a breath.

"Is that what happened?He forgot to pick you up?"

I nod silently,biting my lip.I don't want to cry in front of Yugyeom.I don't want to cry at all over Jb.

He pulls into the lot of our apartment building.Rain pours around the car.

"We should wait it out"he says."If we don't want to get soaked"

I nod, focusing on my breathing,Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry-"

"It's alright if you need to cry"Yugyeom says,turning to face me.

Damn you,Yugyeom. Damn you to hell.

I shake my head and chew on the inside of my cheek.

"Come on y/n. Don't hold it in. Jb doesn't treat you right, does he?" When I look up,his eyes are kind and understanding, sometimes I've never seen in him before.

Something in his tone makes me snap.I bury my face in my hands and let out, hot tears streaming down my face. A warm hand touches my back,soothing me.

I hate this.I hate crying in front of Yugyeom.I feel so weak.

Yugyeom doesn't say anything as I compose myself.I lean back in my seat,staring at the grey ceiling of the car.I know I probably look as deathly as the storm outside,but at the moment,don't care.

"This is a nice car"I say, my voice slightly hoarse from crying.


"It has a new car smell"

"It's three years old"


Yugyeom drums his fingers on the steering wheel."Want to play twenty questions?"he asks suddenly

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