Chapter 1: Devil's Deal

Start from the beginning

   Reaching the bottom of the pit, I sink into the pool of lava. While in the lava I feel no pain, but I can still feel the extreme heat. It's a strange feeling. I sink deeper and deeper into the lava and then I fall into, what seems to be, a.... waiting room?

....What even going on?

   The waiting room is quite small. The first thing I notice is the extremely long line of people that extends out of the waiting room beginning in front of a gold and red door labeled "King Satan". Before I can excess the rest of the room I feel a familiar hot tap on my shoulder. Reacting to the tap I turn around and see the emotionless woman who pushed me into the pit. 

"Follow me"

   The woman begins walking to the door. Feeling as though I have no clue to what's going on, I follow her. The woman opens the door for me and I walk inside. The room is an extremely fancy office with what seems to be an endless ceiling. The reason for the endless ceiling is possibly the filing cabinets that goes infinitely upwards. A large black desk with gold decorations adorns the center of the room. Behind the desk is a tremendously large chair facing towards a window. Outside the window is a large city made of fire, lava, and magma. It is an extremely hellish sight.

The woman, who is now currently standing next to the huge chair, motions for me two sit in the chair in front of the desk.

   Sitting down in the chair, the chair that was once facing the hellish landscape turns towards me. The person occupying the chair was a large muscular man who was about 244 centimeters tall adorning a red suit with gold linings and couplings. The man has the face of someone in their 40's with a short black beard and red eyes with a splash of gold. He has a sharp, yet has a calming expression on his face.

"You must be Mokoto Noir, Am I correct"

"Indeed you are"

"Great! I'm pleased to make your acquaintance Makoto, you may call me lucifer, but I'm more commonly known as the Devil." Lucifer puts his hand out for a hand shake and I proceed by shaking his hand "We were expecting you a bit earlier, but It isn't a big deal, I'll just have to change a few things around in my schedule."

The man's voice is extremely rough and rowdy. He gives off a friendly yet overpowering atmosphere.

"If you wouldn't mind me asking Mr. lucifer, where exactly am I?"

"Well if it isn't obvious, you're in hell!"

"Hell...." I've never use too believed in things like heaven and hell, I always thought they were things made up to keep people controlled, but I suppose I can't deny Its existence now.

"Yep! H E double Hockey sticks! Right after your death by that bus you were sent right to your hellish prison."

So that room was my prison cell here in hell? So all those other doors I saw led to other peoples cells. It's strange how mine was empty, I would have expected some kind of mental torture purgatory. Maybe they didn't do that due to me having to come to this "appointment".

"Why was I sent to hell?"

"Oh now, don't act modest! Lilith would you mind grabbing me his file"

The woman, lilith, sprouts long, menacing, black wings  and flies up the cabinets. Not even a minute later she returns with a file labeled with my name. Lucifer opens the file and starts to read through it

"Lest see.... You've hospitalized over seventeen people and have killed..." Lucifer keeps reading " around five other humans, so I believe it quite fitting that you were meant to come here"


   Ah yes I did do those things. Back when I was alive, I used to get paid for doing jobs for the Akuma No Inu, a small time gang in Osaka. A lot of the jobs involved quieting people who could cause a risk to the gang, I was payed a good amount for it. The only times I've killed somebody not for the Akuma no imu was when that one guy was bullying Chiaki and that other time when Sakata was being harassed and stalked by her coworker. I only worked for the Akuma No Inu to help pay the bills for my mother. I didn't believe it right for her to do all the work alone. The gang was the quickest and most efficient way to make quick money.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2019 ⏰

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