Chapter 1: Devil's Deal

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Opening my eyes I find myself in a familiar place, a place that has always haunted my dreams. The endless void. Though this time it feels different.

   In my dreams,  whenever I'm in the void, I have no control. I act and talk on autopilot. But now.... I feel free. This time I'm not just observing, I have control.  

Why am I here?

  The last thing I remember before waking up here is watching my own blood flood the cold and wet concrete after Chiaki and I got hit by that bus.....Chiaki....

   The possibility of Chiaki surviving getting hit is extremely small, but it's still a possibility. I hate to admit it but, no matter how annoying Chiaki is, he still family and I care for him deeply. So I'd like to leave wherever I am and see if he's okay. 

  Of course, although I have control, my dream is pretty accurate to how I would act.

  Walking around the void for about an hour two I'm unable to find anything or anybody. Just like my dream.

   Finally I see a familiar sight. A bright red object far in the distance. From my memories I can assume it's the big red gate my dream always ends at.

   Reaching the object, my assumption is confirmed. Although this time the gate is slightly more omminating, it is the same as it is in my dreams. Should I open it? 

   In my dreams, every time I attempted to open the door I would be stabbed. As it seems, It's either I open this door or I stay in the void. Both sound like nonideal options, but the door could be my only way out.

   I slowly place my hand on door's bright golden decorative door knob. The doorknobs warm, completely polar to the overwhelming coldness of the void. Turning the knob slowly I prepare myself.

... *creek*

   To my surprise the door opens an inch and I don't feel anything pierce my back. As I slowly keep opening the door, the cold void slowly starts to warm. Once the door is fully open I'm met with a fiery landscape with a large crater in the middle

    As I walk through the doorway into the fiery landscape my whole body Is bombarded with the heat of the landscape and all the cold emptiness from the void is extinguished. The magma like ground is extremely hot. It feels almost as if I'm walking on burning coals, yet I feel no pain. Just the heat.

   Curios, I walk to over to the crevice while almost being scorched by a flame exploding from the ground. Once at the crevice I look down and see a pool of scolding hot lava at the bottom which is at least a mile down. Yet it feels bottomless. Like there is no end.

    As I'm looking down into the crevice I feel a tap on my shoulder. Feeling the extreme heat coming from the touch I turn around and am met face to face with an emotionless older woman who about 183 centimeters tall, about 3 centimeters taller than me, and probably in her late thirties. she has tanish skin, long red hair, crimson eyes, and is wearing a red and black pant suit with a pair of glasses. The Older woman also is quite "mature" in certain areas. Young men everywhere would love to talk to such a beauty. 

Looking away from my face and to her clipboard she speaks up

"Are you Makoto Noir?"

"....Yes, Why do you ask?"

"You're late"


   Instead of giving me an answer, she roughly pushes me into the fiery crevice. As I fall deep into the pit, the mild heat that once covered my body increases tenfold. While falling, I look at the walls of the hole and I see a plurality of gates similar to the gate that led me here. Possibly there are other people beside me behind those doors.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 02, 2019 ⏰

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