Story Two

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Alright, second mini-story, gotta give a warning for implied sexual content, but other then that, enjoy.
The creaking of the bed frame upstairs and the soft, sweet laughter was driving them insane. Dark knew they had no right to be so upset, they had deemed an open relationship after all. But Wilford's gravely voice moaning out was enough to make the jealousy burn within them.
Their aura was spiked around them, the door to their office locked as they gripped the edge of the desk to contain themself. Their hands burned from the grip on the wooden edge, the sprinters from the old, worn-out furniture stabbing at their skin.
But it didn't hurt as much as those noises. They were supposed to be the one upstairs with him. They were supposed to be the one leaving marks on his skin, and hearing that gentle laugh that always seemed to slip out when he was nervous. Not some drunken blonde with bubblegum lipstick that didn't know how to shut her mouth.
They knew they shouldn't have been upset, but it had been months since he had gone out like this, months since Dark had fallen asleep at their desk and woken up to Wilford brewing coffee, covered in bruises that they didn't leave.
Half of them screamed in burning rage. He promised. He promised he wouldn't, never again he said, I want to commit to you, he said. But he broke it, he broke his promise.
The other half was shouting for his jealousy to calm, for his aura to shrink and his composure to keep. He's made a mistake, it's a simple mistake. People make mistakes, and he is a person.
They chose to listen to that half instead of the one causing them to leave bruises on their fingertips. A deep breath, in and out, over and over like clockwork. Just as they always looked in front of everyone, at meetings and during work.
A tear escaped as they straightened their suit and sat back against their chair. They wiped it away before it could dry, stood up, and set the couch up for their first night alone in a long time.
When Dark woke up the next morning, the last thing they expected was a cup of coffee, next to a vase of bright purple flowers, and a card. They sat up and groaned at the cracking and popping their joints made from sleeping so uncomfortably, and took the folded paper in their hands.
Wilford was always one for floral arrangements, he had gone on and on about what different flowers met, and that caused Dark to remember the name of the blooms in front of them. Hyacinthus, a flower that was a silent ask of forgiveness.
"I'm so sorry. -Wil"
They read over the card over and over, as if they didn't understand what was written, and then remembered the night before, how angry they had gotten. That was quite impractical of them, to get so jealous. They smiled softly, and sighed at the thought of Wilford beating himself up for the night.
There was no reason to be upset, none at all, just because Wil had made a silly promise. Promises were met to be broken, just like rules, as the crazy man had once said. Dark shouldn't have expected any less, but now they knew he was hurting, that he was sorry.
They knew exactly where to find him.
Just as Dark suspected, Wilford was sitting in the garden, on a perfect bench covered in dying vines and leaves; his head casted to the ground as he twirled the stem of the same purple bloom. His hair hung in front of his face, messy and yet still perfect, just as he always was. They could see tears streaming down his cheeks as he thought to himself.
"Wilford..." He looked up at them, his bottom lip quivering in a way that reminded Dark of a sad puppy, and then he broke down even more. A choked sob escaped the poor man as he dropped the flower to the grass, and Dark had to run to his side and wrap their arms around him tightly.
"I-I'm so sorry..." The man spoke as Dark took to toying with his hair and rocking him back and forth in that soothing way that always comforted him. "Shh, it's okay, Wil...It's okay." The words didn't seem to help, and Wilford held them even tighter as he shook his head in protest. "I promised. I promised y-you. I pr-promised."
"Everyone makes mistakes." He continued to cry as they held him close, feeling their heart shatter in their chest like ceramic pot had been thrown against a tile floor. "I m-made her go...I...I didn't even-" He was hushed again, and they continued their comfort as best as they could.
Soon his tears were nothing but a memory, and his face was simply cold in the calming wind. "Dark...I'll never do it again." He pulled away and wiped at his face before taking their hands in his own. "I mean it. I will never let this happen again." They smiled softly, knowing from the look in his eyes that this wouldn't be another broken promise.
They were right.

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