Chapter Two: Always

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Chapter Two- Always

As I walked through the snowy fields I saw a flash through the snow of what looked like a boy. I took a few steps closer but every time I did he only seemed farther away. I turned my walk into a dash and through the cold I reached him in a matter of minutes. I put a warm hand on his shoulder.

“Are you ok?” I asked.

When he turned around I noticed his silvery white hair and his bright purple eyes. He was dressed in all gray with a single white scarf that wrapped his neck. The scarf seemed to drift in the wind, just like his hope. He seemed so sad just sitting there.

“Here, let me help you.” I suggested, holding out my hand for him.

He looked up at me with suspicious eyes and backed away a step. He shook his head and turned to run in the other direction. He didn’t make it a meter before he stumbled on a branch hiding under the white rain and fell to his face.

I lifted him upwards and noticed a few small tears forming in his eyes. I could tell he was afraid. I gripped his tiny little hand in mine and smiled at him. I sent him a look that meant that he was ok and he gripped my hand tightly. He grinned a little and stood to his feet.

“My name’s China. What’s yours?”


As I held onto his little hand I recalled a time when I was as small as he was. I was scared of everyone around me being so big. I was one tiny little child surrounded by strange things I didn’t understand. I was all alone until someone reached their hand out to help me. So I had to do the same for him.

“So Russia, do you have a dream?” I asked him.

“I want to become the biggest nation in the world one day.” he answered.

“That’s quite a big dream.” I noted.

“I know it seems big now but I have no doubt it will come true. You might even be apart of it one day too, China.” he chuckled.

“Maybe.” I laughed.

I traveled with him all the way back to a tiny little house in the snow. He seemed to make himself right at home and I found a woman there who seemed to be so happy that he was safe. I was glad he wasn’t all by himself. Leaving him to the woman I said my goodbyes and began to walk back when I was grabbed by those same tiny little hands.

“When I become a big country, will you promise to be by my side?” 


We both smiled at each other and I gave him a pinky promise that I would. He motioned for me to bend down and when I did he pressed his tiny lips to my cheek. I chuckled and kissed his forehead in return. I left behind a small little soon to be big country and went on my way. Little did I know that the day I was by his side would come.

I awoke from my dream to found out I had fallen asleep unexpectedly. After my little run-in with Russia I laid down on the couch and I must’ve dozed off. I sat up and scratched the back of my head as I yawned. I put both of my hands over my heart and closed my eyes.

I had forgotten all about that time. That time so long ago before Russia even became a nation. I had helped him and promised him to be by his side. I had forgotten that promise but did he forget to? Was that why he was still here?

Before I had time to think more on the subject I felt a deep pain in the pit of my stomach as I tumbled over to the ground. I looked down to find blood pouring down from a wound made by a kunai knife. When I looked up I found a ninja wrapped in black robes looming over me with a knife in hand. He aimed it at my throat and swung his arm forward.

I instantly kicked at his arm and knocked the knife out of his hands. I rolled forward into him and knocked him to the ground. I sent a few punches to his face and that seemed to be enough to knock him out for the moment. I slowly tried to stand up but found it almost impossible with the wound I now bore in my side.

I wobbled and about fell to my knees just as I saw white flash before my eyes. I immediately felt warmth and was lifted into the air. I was confronted by a smile and the warm touch as he carried me off onto the couch. He lifted up my shirt and pulled out the kunai, sending pain run through my stomach.

In order to keep a scream from coming out my lips he put his hand over my mouth to muffle the sounds I made. He ripped off pieces of cloth from a close-by blanket and wrapped my wound to his best ability. Then he released his hand and stared into my eyes.

“What?” I asked, staring back into his.

“I’m sorry.” he apologized, letting his bangs cover his now sad face.

I looked up at his face and slowly leaned forward. I put a hand on his cheek, and remembering what I had done in my dream, I kissed him gently on the forehead. He looked up and he still had those few tears he held back in his eyes. 

“I’ll be here always.” I repeated from my memory, reminding him I wasn’t going to die.

He nodded as he put his hand over mine. I didn’t know what to say now that he was the one being here for me. It seemed he wanted to protect me more than I was by his side. I mean he killed humans all for me. Why did he care about me? 

Then out of the corner of my eye I noticed the ninja slowly rising to his feet. He unsheathed his final dagger from his belt, which had green ooze falling from the blade. He threw it in the direction of me and I knew that it would hit Russia before it ever got to me. 

“Russia look out!” I yelled, pointing behind me.

He used his pipe to deflect the blade and used his jacket to collect all the falling ooze that was sprayed into the air. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a gun. He lifted it towards the ninja’s head and instantly pulled the trigger. The ninja dropped dead, leaving the two of us alone in the night.

I cupped my hands over my ears and tried to forget the sound of the gun. I closed my eyes and thought of all that was going through my head. Why did all this have to happen? Why was everyone dying right in front of my eyes? Why?!

When I couldn’t ask anymore questions in my head I felt a brush against my cheek. I opened my eyes to find Russia kissing my cheek just like he had so long ago. But this time it felt different. As he sat beside me that night I just kept thinking about how and why.

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