Third person
Eugene lay there in the break room, lying on the little couch. Making it look like he was there the whole time napping, hoping Brendon and Sarah don't suspect that he snuck out for ice cream. He was happy that he got to live some of his childhood, even though Toby was the one that made it happen, he wished it was his parents.

Without even realising, he fell asleep it seems going out for ice cream and walking for a long time has worn him out. Zac checked on him and saw Eugene was asleep, thinking he would be awake as he had Fruity Pebble ice cream which had a lot of sugar. Footsteps come towards him, he looked and saw it was Brendon, probably wondering where Eugene went.

"Hey Zac, where's Eugene. He's gone again, does that kid ever learn to stay put." He said, as he looked around then adds, "have you seen him?" He continued looking around getting a bit frustrated. "Yeah I have, he went to take a nap in the break room. Down there," Zac said as Brendon went down the hall, with Zac following behind him "Go easy on him man, he's just a child," Zac said not wanting Brendon to yell and wake Eugene up. "How can I go easy on him when he clearly disobeyed. That child was always a handful. Drove me and Sarah crazy as soon as he could walk and talk fully," Brendon replied as he opened to the door seeing Eugene on the couch sleeping.

"Hey Sarah, Toby he's here." He added as they came down the hall and saw Eugene asleep in the break room. "How long has he been here?" Brendon asks getting closer and was about to shake Eugene, "he's been napping for ages, he's very tired." Zac said trying to stop him from waking Eugene, "Brendon don't wake him, it'll make him upset," Sarah said getting closer to Eugene holding the same cream coloured blanket she used to cover him on the bus.

Toby looked as if he wanted to tell them about what Eugene had said about his parents, because Eugene said a lot. "Um Brendon, Sarah I want to talk to you both." Toby said but before he could say more, "I can't right now Toby, I have too much to be doing. Let me know if he wakes up." Brendon said as he left clearly in a mood.

Sarah remained, standing there looking at her son, with the blanket in her arms. "You can tell me Toby, whatever you need to say, tell me." She said, as Toby began "Eugene has been feeling neglected, he feels like he has lost both his parents mentally. You and Brendon don't bother with him, the child wants some attention, just some loving attention. He tells me, that you never take him out to the park or for ice cream. Whenever he wants to talk to you or Brendon you both decide to turn him away." Sarah just stood there, almost hugging the blanket.

"That's Ridiculous, Eugene needs to get used to the fact that Brendon and I are busy and can't drop what we're doing just for him." She said making Toby look as if he was going to snap with her, not believing what she had just said, "Stop trying to deny it, you and Brendon know perfectly well what your doing, and you just don't care. Eugene even told me that his babysitter Chole takes him to the park and plays with him, never you or Brendon. He wishes you two would just spend time with him, is that too much to ask for? Come on Sarah he's just a child, he's your child and the pair of you are hurting him. Eugene is hurting inside. He may not show it on the outside but inside he's hurt. When he's older he could possibly rebel against you both or completely cut you and Brendon out. Is that really what you want for you child?" Toby said trying to get her see the truth and stop denying it.

She tried to say something but couldn't, she came towards Eugene and wrapped him in the blanket like a baby. "Oh my god, he looks like a little burrito." Toby said in awe. Sarah didn't say a word, as she picked him up like an over grown baby. Eugene didn't seem to weigh much considering he was very petite but that's a six year old boy who was just five a few weeks ago, so she didn't find it at all difficult carrying him.

She walked down the hall with Eugene in her arms, into the room where Brendon was having a break, then sees her with Eugene in her arms. He looked rather confused as she entered holding their son in her arms with him wrapped up in the blanket like a baby.

A Child's Wish To Have Loving Attention | P!ATD (Panic! At the Disco) Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now