Just old stories... Right?

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"Come here." Her father demanded with a furious tone. She looked around and saw everyone in the hotel staring at her with a surprised look. Shit. She followed her father and mother to the outside of the hotel.

"Heltinne Macclain Roggers, what exactly was that?" Iris asked.

"I-...I-Um..." She was too nervous to say anything.

"You. What?" Iris asked. Again. "Heltinne, why you do this every time? You're old enough to know why you're here. So why? Why you always act like a 5-year-old child? You know that what you did is wrong, right? Oh Jesus! You were SO RUDE!"

  Heltinne just stood there, in silence. There wasn't much that she could say. She was just... Really pissed off that they had to leave their houses in NY to go to an unknown place in the middle of the sea.

"If you left me home this wouldn't happen." She let it slip.

"DID YOU JUST TALKED BACK AT  ME?!" Iris was really furious now.

  Arthur put an arm in front of his wife and told her to calm down. "Screaming won't solve the problems. She's just at that phase that she thinks that she's smarter than everyone."

"I'm not in a phase." Heltinne said challenging her father.

"Look right here, you're going to your room. Right. Now." Arthur demanded.

  The red-haired girl turned and ran furiously stomping hard on the ground, making her way to her room, not even caring about all the people around her. She entered her room, closing and locking the door, and fell in the bed, punching it.

They're so unfair! They didn't even ask if I wanted to go on this FUCKING TRIP! I HATE THIS! They're ALWAYS LIKE THIS! ALWAYS TELLING ME WHAT TO DO AND NOT TO DO!

  She stooped punching the bed and stood in silence.

"Well, if they are unfair with me, I'll be unfair with them. I'm not going to stay in here." She got up and walked closer to the window, opened it and checked if there was anyone looking. There wasn't. She put a foot out of the window and then the other, she got down slowly but cautiously. When she hit the ground, a smirk appeared on her face.

"Now what we do..." She looked around. She can't stay there for long or else someone might find her.

Well, mom said that there's a trail to a forest close by. I'm sure that I can find it quickly and no one will find me there...Ohoho! They will be so worried about me that they will have to listen to me when I come back!
  Heltinne was now walking directly to the trail, at least that's what she thought. The trail was close by, but it was not on the direction she was going. Where she's going? Just seeing to know.


  Dark green leaves were falling on the yellow path and the light green grass that was dancing as the wind comes and goes. Some pretty flowers were there too, so tiny yet so colorful.

Maybe this isn't that bad. Heltinne thought but quickly wiped it off her mind. No! Don't start! I'm going to get home real quick when this all ends.

  The teenager started to kick a little rock that was in front of her, again and again as she walked down the path and got, even more, lost her thoughts until...


A... Growl?

  Heltinne finally came back to reality just to see that she accidentally hit a wolf with the little rock that she was kicking. The wolf didn't seem happy with that, he was growling loud and angrily. She stooped moving, hoping that the wolf would leave if she didn't move. Well, he's not a dinosaur.
  The wolf started to walk towards her, slowly and growling, showing all of his teeth.
  Run. That's all that she could think of. She started running, faster as possible. Dogging everything on her way, trees, rocks, etc.

OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD! The girl kept screaming in her mind, praying to get away from the wolf. She ran so much that she got lost. Really lost. And got stuck in an alley without leaving of rocks. The wolf now stopped running and started to walk slowly, still growling.
  The girl moved, walking back slowly, almost the same as the wolf. But it didn't last long, she now could feel the cold and rough rock on her back.

This is how I die? Please, just make it quick. Heltinne was now accepting her destiny. After all, luck wasn't at her side today... Right?


  She didn't feel anything. She decided to open her eyes. The wolf was now walking back, trembling in fear. Did she scare him?

  No. Something even worse did.

  The wolf ran away. Heltinne stood up, really confused. Why did the wolf run? She asked herself. A heavy breath passed by her head, making her hair messy. She turned around slowly. That's when she saw it.

He was big

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He was big... Bigger than a bear.  He had the sharpest claws she ever saw. Sharper than an ax... He had a long red feathered crest... And wings.

  She froze. Her heart was beating fast. She couldn't believe it. A dragon was in front of her. Their eyes were meeting, she could see herself in his eyes.

  She closes her eyes as a reflex.

  She waits. And waits. And waits...


  She opens her eyes again. There was nothing. She could breathe again. Turned around and started to walk again, making her way back to the village.

  She fainted.


Author's note:

  Ooohhh! References! So, what did you guys think? I'm just going to continue this book if I'll liked it because this takes too much time to make!

How To Train Your Dragon - Rise Again Where stories live. Discover now