"Good morning," they said. We sat down at the table. His father was sitting at one end of the table and Jack on the other. I sat beside Sophie. Emma, Jamie, and Their mother were sitting across from us. Their mother was sitting to the right of her husband. Sophie was sitting to his left.

"Can Elsie and Jack take me to school today?" Sophie asked.

It's currently 7:15 this morning and little Sophie goes to school at 8:30.

"No, let them be," their father said. Sophie looked sad. Her smile turned to a frown.

"Manny be nice," Jack's mother scolded him.

"Sweetie, Jack and Elsa have other things to worry about. Maybe another time," his mother said. Sophie was looking down and fidgeting with her fingers.

I looked at Jack with a slight frown. He shrugged but said, "Actually mom, it's okay. We can take them to school on our way when we leave."

I smiled at him nodding my head. I looked towards Sophie and she had a hopeful smile on her face.

"Leaving? I thought you were going to spend a few more days with us?" His mother asked.

Jack shook his head. "No, we were only coming over for dinner yesterday then we were going to go home afterwards," Jack explained.

"Why don't you spend time with us longer?" His father asked.

"I don't know, maybe it's because I don't feel accepted here," Jack said. His father and him were staring each other down.

"Well maybe I think that my son could do much better than wasting his life in being an actor," his father said. My eyes widened and I'm sure Jack's did too.

"Well, at least I am doing something with my life that I like. And for your information it pays well to be an actor," Jack said.

"Yeah sure. For now it will but what will you do when people stop hiring you?" His father asked.

"Manny that's enough," his mother said looking at Manny.

"No it's fine mom, I know there might be times when I'm not hired. I know there might be times when I question what I'm doing. But at least I am enjoying my job. I rather that than being stuck in a building signing papers and trying to figure out what is best for the company. That's you dad not me," Jack said then walked out of the room. It was silent until, Sophie being clueless asked "So, Elsie and Jack can take me to school?"

"Yes sweetie. We can take you to school," I said with a smile. She grinned then we all finished eating. I walked to Jack's room to find him laying on the bed his back facing me.

I sighed and closed the door. I walked to his bed and laid down behind him. I wrapped my arms around him.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"No. I don't want to visit them ever again," he said.

"Jack. They are your parents, your family. You can't do that to them," I said. He groaned then turned around to look at me.

"Why not? My dad doesn't seem to accept me or my life choices," he said. I kissed his nose.

"I know, I know. But-," I was cut off.

"No you don't know. Your parents accept you for being an actress even if you haven't been in a movie in over a year. My father is being an asshole to me for whatever reason. I've been in more movies than you have. You'd think he'd be okay with this whole career," Jack said. I gasped at him. He saw my face then had an "oh shit look."

"Els, that's not what I-," I cut him off this time.

"You know Jack, maybe I don't know. And maybe you don't know how frustrating it is for me either. You don't know how upset I get whenever your father says these snarky comments to you. You obviously have so much talent and potential that he can't see. You don't know how upset I get when I've gotten a call telling me that I didn't get the part. You don't know how upset I get over everything," I said and tried not to cry but I had some tears escape. "Yeah, I get it I haven't gotten a good acting job in a movie for over a year but you have. So don't rub it in my face it's not cool," I said.

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