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Reyna stared at her reflection. There was nothing different there. And it shouldn't be. Her being gay shouldn't change anything. Inside or outside. It is still the same person.It's a pity her friends don't get that. That's why she is not coming out. She didn't want to be raped and then killed. Like Bianca and Zoë.

Reyna felt the threat hanging over her head and the tension in the air. In a small, close minded town like her's, honor killing and shit were common.Reyna took a deep breath. She can do this. Hylla has been hiding her sexuality for years now. Reyna can do this. And it's only for a year. Then she and her sister can get the hell out of here. All she has to do is survive senior year without anybody suspecting her's or her sister's sexuality. Reyna could feel the weight of it on her chest. It was not letting her breathe, crushing her, suffocating her. Reyna coughed, trying to get rid of the feeling in her throat. But, it won't go. It stuck to her, killing her slowly. Is this how the mud would feel when they hide her corpse? She hoped that she would be dead before that, she didn't want to be buried alive.

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