Holy water. that's what i need right now.

My phone started ringing giving me a mild heart attack. I thought my boob started moving. I looked at the ID to see my mom calling.

"Samantha's whore house, you got the dough, we got the hoe, how may i help you?" I answered, and Austin's head snapped towards me, his eyes widened.

"Are you kidding me Samantha?!" My mom yelled in the phone, making me laugh loudly.

I love her reaction every time.

"I'm joking, what's up mom" i said still laughing, and Austin's face went back to normal, but still giving me a weird look.

"I'm still talking to you about this Samantha Camilla William, but i expect you to be here for dinner today, if you don't come, I'm setting your company on fire" my mom threatened and i honestly wasn't surprised. My mom is a weird women.

But she sure as hell is straight forward.

"Damn, i wonder what you do to dad when he doesn't wanna have sex with you" i said and my mom gasped. Austin put his fist in his mouth to keep himself from laughing.

"You just wait until i get my hands on you, you little brat" my mom snapped and i chuckled.

"You love me" i said and i guess she took that as a sign to hang up on me.

Oh well...

"Well i won't be home for dinner today" i said and Austin made a relived face.

"Finally" he even dared to add. 

"Oh your definitely sleeping on the couch" i said and send him a glare.

"It's not like you would let me sleep in my bed either way, and who says i won't just go to my room" Austin said, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh believe me, you don't even wanna know what I'll do if you even try" i said raising both my eyebrows, a serious look on my face. He raised an eyebrow again, but i decided to just keep quite and ignore him. I got in the passenger seat of his black Porsche.


"Do you want me to drop you off at wherever you need to be?" Austin asked when he got in the drivers seat. I shook my head and leaned back.

"I wanna change first, I'll just ask my friend to pick me up" i said and he nodded, before starting up the car and driving towards the house.

I started checking my emails when i noticed i got one from my PA, apparently a file is missing.

"Damnit" i cursed, my face turning emotionless. I went to my contacts and pressed my PA's number. After the third ring she finally answered. "What do you mean it's missing?" I asked coldly. Not wanting to mention the word file, because Austin is in the car.

"I-i went to get it, b-but it wasn't there ms William." She stuttered, you could clearly hear she was scared, but i don't care right now.

"Call my brothers and ask if any of them has it" i said angry and hung up. I'll kill my brothers if they have it, without informing me or my PA about it. It's not the first time they've done this. Apparently they find it funny when i get angry.

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