Arguing About trans Issues

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I don't even know what I wrote in here anymore, opinions change, this probably isn't 100% accurate anymore and definitely not what I would write now.

Quick disclaimer I've just realised that this really turned into a taking your free speech chapter, so just so you know you don't have to say anything.

What I've experienced when debating rational nothing off limits free speech truth thinkers, they have a tendency to know nothing about the subject, like I've had a person on Wattpad argue that males on hormones can get pregnant and that therefore only chromosomes determine pronouns or whatever. When you try to talk about transgender issues have the decency to know some basic facts.
I'm gonna list some mistakes I commonly see.

1. what I think is most common is either assuming gender dysphoria doesn't exist or believing in blanchardism or whatever you can find to dehumanise trans people.
The DSM5 says that gender dysphoria is real and can be treated, so you have no scientific back up for „delusional men/women playing dress up".

2. saying Sex change. The real problem with this wording is that people can mean one out of three things medical transition, social transition or sex/gender reassignment surgery. They probably also don't know which one they're talking about or maybe all of them at once. It just makes you look a little meh, whenever I see "sex change" I know that you have probably no idea what you're talking about.

2.2 saying Transgenderism shows that you think of being transgender like it's an ideology, when nothing about being trans is a choice. (You can't even repress it). It has that kinda feel to it. In most cases you can say gender dysphoria (the reason why trans people are trans) or transgender.

3. b i o l o g i c a l p r o n o u n s
This is generally really tired, there are so many things wrong with this, if you want me to I can list them in another chapter. The first problem is is that people generally assume that if a trans person asks, not forces, you to use the correct pronoun, (example she) we're not saying that we have xx chromosomes and a uterus. That's simply not what pronouns are. It's also pretty easy to recognise that in languages other than a muh rican. What I see from everyone arguing biological pronouns is that generally it doesn't matter how they misgendered trans people, the act of doing it is way more important to  o w n t h e l i b s.

I'm probably gonna expand this or make another chapter.

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