Spell 8

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Disclaimer: I don't not own Harry Potter or the story line. I own Oro Snape, Yuki Snape & Shino Kirusaki.

Warning: All the songs my characters sing do not belong to me and some will be the English version of the original songs. 

Spell 8

Christmas and The past

The next day was Christmas Eve. Outside, Hogwarts was a snowy castle and Hagrid was bringing in a large tree. Inside the great hall, students were leaving and ghosts were singing,

"Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, ring the Hogwarts bell. Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas..." Hermione approached the empty tables, wheeling a cart. She was heading towards Ron and Harry, who were playing chess with Yuki watching them and Shino and I were playing a Japanese game called Go.

"Knight to E-5." Harry said. A piece moved across the chess board.

"Whoa, cool." Yuki said, looking at the moving piece with existing eyes. I placed a black stone on a point of the Go board as Ron was thinking for a moment.

"Queen to E-5." He said. Shino placed a white stone next to my black one. The queen on the chess board walked over to E-5 and clinks Harry's knight away.

"That's totally barbaric!" Hermione said, as she looked at the boys' games.

"Agh! No!" I yelled as I shoot up from my seat, slamming my hands on the table.

"What's wrong, Oro?" Yuki asked as they looked over to Shino and I.

"Shino just beat me at Go!" I yelled, throwing my hands in the air.

"What's are you guys playing?" Hermione asked.

"That's wizard's chess." Ron said, nodding to the chess board.

"That's Go, a Japanese game." Shino said, nodding to the board.

"We see you've packed." I said, sitting back down.

"See you haven't." she said.

"Change of plans. My parents decided to go to Romania to visit my brother, Charlie. He's studying dragons there!" Ron said, happily.

"What? No way, cool!" Yuki and I said, in union.

"And you three?" Hermione looked at Yuki, Shino and I. "Father is staying here. Something about working on new potions for class." I said.

"And we don't have any concerts." Yuki added.

"My parents went to Japan for the Winter festival with my little brother. I didn't want to go so I stayed." Shino said, smiling at me. I feel my face heat up.

"Good. You four can help Harry, then. He's going to go the library for information on Nicholas Flamel." Hermione said.

"We've looked a hundred times!" Yuki and Ron wined.

"Not in the restricted section... Happy Christmas," She said then she left.

"I think we've had a bad influence on her." Ron said, looking at us.

"Yes, yes we are, Ron, dear." I said, smiling. Everyone agreed as we walked back to the dorm with our arms over each other shoulders, laughing.

It was X-mas, the next day. Hedwig was perched in the boys' room, and Harry was asleep in bed.

"Harry, wake up! Come on Harry, wake up!" Ron, Yuki and I called from downstairs.

Harry got up and ran over to the balcony in the dorm, overlooking the common room, where we were standing next to a huge tree. Ron was wearing a red sweater with a R on it. Shino was wearing a dark gray jacket with a sliver spider web covering it, Yuki was wearing light blue white jacket with her symbol across the front and I was wearing a dark green truant coat with my symbol on the back, which was covering my whole back.

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