1. Welcome to the Haunted Maze

Start bij het begin

"What did she do?" He asked another question but his mouth were full resulting in a shower of his spit mixed with the cookie crumbs raining over my arms that wer layed out in front of me on the table. I wiped them on my sides with a frown as he whispered sorry.

"She saved little french town called Orleans when she was only 18." I answered his question.

"Lame, Tony saved the whole world, more than once." Aaron said making me laugh. He finished his dessert and placed the head of the Iron Mans suit back on and I stood up taking the helmet as the cue to enter the maze. I threw his paper basket in the trash beside our table but had in mind to avoid the great Coke lake beside me so I wouldn't get another part of my outfit drenched. Aaron adjusted his helmet and other plastic parts of his costume for a couple of seconds as I walked around the table towards him.

"All set?" I asked and looked towards the entrance of supposedly the most challenging, scary and outrageously fun maze or so Aaron has told me on the ride here. He made sure to tell me all about it as he saw it on TV with no details missed, so that was long 45 minut ride to this place. I wanted to challenge him for a game of tag but then I heard those kids again whispering their sneer comments and I couldn't hold back so I turned to my left.

"Harper don't." Aaron whispered to me when he realised I noticed them commenting him again but I didn't care, they deserve what is coming for them.

"Listen you little shitheads." I said to the fourteen year olds and they looked at me surprised. One girl sitting there who was pointing to m brothr few minutes ago was fixing her mascara in her pocket mirror and just glanced over to me, unbothered. Other four were looking at me with some kind of amusement.

"Yeah you five. If you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all, got it?" They didn't nod so I stepped closer and leaned on their desk. I gripped the edge of the table so hard my knuckles turned white, I felt the strong urge to protect my brother right now. I felt like Joan of Arc maybe, somehow. But like a Target version.

"If I hear another fucking insult come out of any of your mouths I will make sure it will be your last. I am not afraid of kicking one of you if that's what it takes for you to learn not to pick on other people." I spat out. I pointed to the girl who was finally looking at me like the others.

"That won't help your shit personality." I pointed to the mascara wand she was still holding and her cheeks turned pink. "Treat people with kindness." I said then pulled Aaron to the entrance of the maze inside which all you could hear were screams and laughter. I looked down to my younger sibling.

"Aaron if they bug you again tell me, I promise I won't hit them." I said then added. "Hard." He laughed making me chuckle. Some people passed beside us to enter this corn nightmare in front of us. Some tribal music stated playing from one of the DJ booths making both of our heads turn back.

"Now this really started to feel pagan. What is up with this music?" I said chuckling lightly. Aaron opened his mouth surely to ask me what pagan means but I cut him off before I had to explain to him for the next twenty minutes.

"Are you ready?" I asked and he closed his lips then nodded.

"Then catch me if you can." I yelled and started sprinting as fast as I could. It took him a few moments to realise what I said and what is happening but soon he started running too. For a ten year old in a heavy suit he was really fast so I had to pull my dress up and hold it in my hands as I ran. Road was made out of rocks and with every stomp I would almost lose balance as I stepped clumsily.

I looked down to my feet for a split second and crushed with something well someone making us both collaps to the ground. A girl looked as confused as I was, she was dressed in a alien costume so when I looked up to her from the ground I was startled.

Worlds Apart // Jaime LannisterWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu