1. Welcome to the Haunted Maze

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"Welcome to the haunted maze!" Aaron announced as we walked up to the corn maze with the sign that said 'WELCOME TO THE HAUNTED MAZE".

"I am surprised you know how to read Aaron." I said earning a chuckle from him.

"I had to do it in a creepy voice." He shrugged. I smiled, wrapped my hand over his smaller one as we entered and he gave our tickets to the girl in front of the sign. I looked over her shoulder and saw people running around dressed in superhero costumes and then back over to Aaron as we walked in. He couldn't walk right because his Iron Man costume got in the way and made so much noise.

"I can't believe you made me go here." I groaned throwing my head back.

"What are you talking about, this is perfect way to spend your Halloween night." He remarked with a shocked face as if he doesn't understand why I hate it.

"No, perfect way is me dressed in my pijamas eating candy and watching overrated horror movies on TV." I said but Aaron didn't care because he was distracted by a woman in a trolley full of cotton candy and cookies. I smiled because of how Aaron's eyes brightened up when the woman started shouting.

"Anything from the trolley!" He gasped and turned around.

"Told you this place is cool." He said and dragged me towards the woman completely dressed in a witch outfit from Harry Potter. I nodded and looked around.

"Only bright thing about this if I am being honest." I said watching few people from Aarons high school mess around two feet away from me. They weren't dressed in costumes but sat down at one of the tables in front of the entrance to the maze and laughed at everyone elses outfits. Then they looked over to us, one girl pointed to my brother's costume and soon everyone at the table couldn't contain their laughter. I glanced over to Aaron who didn't notice their comments because he was to busy picking which cookie to try first.

"Would you like one?" He asked me but I shook my head and paid for what he took. I took his hand in mine again and walked over to the table right beside those kids. Of course the seat I sat in was drenched in some kind of liquid making me jump almost the same second I sat down.

"Fucking hell." I mumbled undeer my breath so Aaron wouldn't hear me and scooted over to the other end opposite of him. I feel up my ass before I sit earning me a few questioning glances but I dodge them and come to the conclusion it was Coke. This place like it wants me to hate it. I didn't have anything to dry the dress and the pants with so I just gave up and sat down, wet.

People around us were having time of their lives. Which was disturbing because most of them were grown people, like really grown. My eyes locked on a couple in their fourties, they were dressed in the couple from Adams family, Mortia and the creepy guy. They were taking pictures of their kids who looked as if they hated every second of it. The mom was pushing them to stand close together and smile and do different poses in their power rangers suits. And beside them, the dad, was looking at them and eating crisps. I wanted to smile at the sight but I felt a sting in my heart and looked down on the little boy sitting across from me. His blue eyes turned in my direction and he pointed to my costume.

"What is your costume again?" Aaron asked me and I chuckled because I explained it to him in the car on our way here but he was to estatic about this place to listen properly.

"Joan of Arc. She is a French heroine." I said looking down on my white dress and armour covering my arms with a sword buckled on my hip. I wanted to buy a Spider-Man costume but they were all out of those in the store so I went with the next best option they had.

"Like Iron Man?" He asked and I nodded.

"Well not as cool as Tony Stark but she got pretty close." I took one cookie from his basket and cringed at the peanut and butter inside then placed it back. He took the cookie I bit down and ate it making sure to point out with his fingers how delicious it is to him.

Worlds Apart // Jaime LannisterWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt