chapter 8

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You were sit on the swings of a play ground you were at. It was the middle of the night. Your eyes were puffy and there were still some tears rolling down your face. Your clothes were in rags all dirty and ripped. You had the one thing you didn't want to do, try and destroy the plaza. You were forced to when you were asleep lotus put a shock collar on your neck. The shocks were ultimately pain full, so you did every thing she said and boxman.

*flash back*

"I don't want to attack the plaza." You slammed you hand on to boxmans desk." You will do as i say you little brat! Now go and attack the plaza or i swear I'll made you suffer for this." He held up the romote to the shock collar. Your eyes widened." Fine." He order the three other bots darrell, shannon, and raymond into the room. A box formed around you.

You felt as the box hit the gound. You kicked it open. You heard gasps, enid, rad,ko, and tko where all standing in shock."(Y/N)! What are you doing helping them!" Tko shout." I have know choice!" You smashed the sides of your hand together and a poll appeared. You ran up to enid and swung. Enid disappeared so you spun around will swinging the poll she had reappeared behind you and you hit her in the face. She went flying back.

You ran to rad." Come in kid i don't wanna hurt you." He levitated you into the air." To bad because i have to hurt you!" You screamed. You had to do this you didn't want to continuously get shocked. So you had to. He threw you bad. You hit the ground and got up. You ran to rad again dodging every time he tryed to levitate you. You hit him in the stomach, when he doubled over you hit him in the back of the head, he fell forwards. You saw as raymond was shoved into shannon they started to fight darrell trying to stop them then they all started fighting, enid, ko, and tko did one big combo move the three bots when flying back into box more.

You felt a huge surge of electricity go through you. You screamed loudly falling to your knees. You tryed to taking the collar of but that just made it worst. Ko ran up to you." (Y-Y/N) are you okay!" The pain stopped so you got up and swung at ko."Ko watch out!" Enid ran to the both of you. You swung at ko but stopped before you could hit him." I'm sorry ko." You whispered before hitting him, he fell back. Enid stop in her tracks." Why are you doing this. Aren't we your friends or were you just using us." You ran up to her and swung the poll, she caught it." Answer me!"

You grabbed the rim of your shirt and pulled it down." I'm forced to!" She looked at you horrified. There where mark of you neck going to you chest from the electric shocks. You pulled the poll from her hands. Hiting her in the head. She hit the ground with a loud thud.

You were panting heavily you poked enid with the poll. You looked to tko who was helping up ko. You looked around. The bodega was all messed up." (Y/N)! Why don't you let us help you! We can find away to get that of." Ko was shouted at you. You looked at him." Because box mans watching."

You felt another shock. You fell to the ground, you grabbed your neck. This hurting more than ever. You tryed to get up. You used the poll for balance. It didn't stop. You ran to tko and swung at him, but missed. He shoved you back. You stumbled back to ran at ko and hit him in the chest. He fell back. You hit him again this time in the arm. He got up. You just kept swinging untill he fell. You upper cut him, he then went flying back the hit the ground with a thud.

You turned to tko. He was just staring at you. You started to walk to him slowly. His head was hang low. You felt the shocking sensation again. You punched him in the stomach the as you were about to punch in the throat you stopped you saw a tear roll down his cheek then you remember that he was your friend. Remember the good and the bad times. You snapped back in to reality then went to punch him and he grabbed your hand.

Shoving you away. You started to throw punches aimlessly. He just kept dodging. He then grabbed both of you wrist." Just let me win and this will end sooner!" You where crying." I don't want to keep fighting you." You whispered." Then let me help you." You kicked him in the stomach." You can't help me!" He let go of you. You punch him a few times.

He grunted." Fine if its a fight you want its a fight you'll get." He use a power fist and punched you in the sending you flying back into gar's. You the freezer doors. Tko flew to you. You ran into an isle then picked up some cans and baseball bat then started throwing the cans at tko." What the- hey stop that." You ran out of cans. Then hitting him with the bat. He hit the floor.

You stared at what you done. You fell to your knee's and started sobbing. A box more box appeared outside. Darrell, Shannon and Raymond. Darrell ran into the store." I can't believe it... YOU DID IT!." He smiled widely then hugged me. He picked up tko. I sat there. I got up and started running." (Y/N) were are you going!"

* flash back end*

You got up off the swings. You went to the mansion. You climbed into your room through the window. You lifted the sheets off your mattress. You opened your mattress. Pulling out money. At least 300 dollars. You changed your clothes to a blue hoodie, dark blue jeans. You put a skeleton bandanna on the bottom half of your face, you didn't want any one to know it was you. You grabbed a back pack from your closet.

You stuffed your favorite clothes in there which were the one's you rarely wore so no one would know its you. You then grabbed a pair of scissors, a mirror, and the money then put it into the back pack. You looked at the mirror in your room, the collar was still on your neck. You did the first and dumbest thing that came to mind. You started to mash your neck against a table untill the collar broke off.

Once that was done you climbed out of your room. You started runing untill you thought you were far enough. You pulled to mirror and scissors out then started to cut your hair. You tried to do a pixie cut. I came out decent. You looked in the mirror expecting 'you' but it wasn't what you were expected. You sighed. You ran you hand through your hair.

You started to walk to Hal-mart. You walked through the store you grabbed blue hair, hair bleach, and gloves. You walked staring at the ground. You then bump into someone. You looked up to see a boy he looked around your age. He had brown eye's, black hair, and tan skin. He looked so familiar.

"Sorry 'bout that." He waved his hand." No it's my fault." He looked at you confused." Do i know you. You seem familiar." It hit you." Sammy." You whispered. He tilled his head an looked nerves." Is-is that y-your name." You shook your hear." It's your isn't it."

He grabbed you hoodie and pulled you closer." Who are you and why are you here! Who sent you. No one's called me that in years!" You widened your eyes." It's (Y/N) your sister." He started to shake you." You think i'm that stupid she's dead." You tried to think of any thing to prove it was you. Then you thought of the password you guys made as kid's." Flabbergasted." He looked at you confused." What?"

"The password we made as kids was flabbergasted, we didn't tell any one else not even lucy!" He let go of you." It is you." He ran his hands though your hair." What the heck is with your hair."

"I had to go i had to leave and i couldnt let anyone recognizes me." He laughed." You look like a lesbian not gonna lie." He looked at the stuff in your hand." Are you going to dye you hair." You nodded your head. Let me help." Okay but i need to buy these. You both started to walk to the cash registers up front. Sammy then stopped you." I have an idea, wait here." He ran off then came back with something in his hand. He pointed to it." This is a chest binder. I'm going to change you to look like a boy okay.

You nodded. You perched everything the went to the bathrooms. You put the chest binder on. Sammy then cut your hair trying to no make it look like a rush job then dyed your hair in the sink. Bleaching it first then putting the dye. Once you were done you threw out every thing. You hadn't need for any more.

You sighed." Evan." You were confused." What?" " Thats what people call me evan. You can't go by (Y/N) any more." You put your finger to your chin." Jake. My name is Jake." "Okay Jake. You need a place to stay?" You nodded." Sadly yes." "You can stay with me. The people that adopted me love taking care of kids- at least the wife does. The husband calls us all idiots."

"Us all?" He shrugged." Me and my friends." " Okay." And with that you started walking.

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while and this chapter isn't good but i tryed!

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