chapter 4

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You had been waiting an hour to talking to lady lotus. She had been talking to someone when you came home. All you heard was ok, thank you, and goodbye. You saw lord box man walk out looking happy. You walking watching you boss bang her head against the table.
"You over dosed didn't you boss." She looked at you." One call me mom not boss. Two yes i over dosed him. So what do you need you rarely ever come to me any thing for unless food are you hungryor is it some thing else!" She smiled." No I'm not hungry i need adviceon human interaction."
She gasped." You want to make friends!" You nodded slightly." Oh finally i thought you'd never ask!" She smiled widely. She always acted like a mother though i was adopted she acted as if i was her own blood.
She was a villain but still was good in side well to only me. She was mean and seduced others that she didn't care about of course but to me she's was kind helpful.

~time skip brought to writer block~

You were laying in bed hugging a stuffed animal. It's was a bear. It's was one of the most Important things to you. It was the last thing you parent's gave you before "the incident" before you where an orphan. You got up out of your bed you reached under it pulling out a box. You took some picture's out of the box it was of your old friend. Your first and last friend.
You went out side. You took out some matches then put some photos down.
You light the matches on fire then sided." It's time to move on. It's time to forget. And time to forgive." You dropped the matches on to the photo's and watched them burn.( I'm erasing myself from the narrative and the story they will write some day( any one get ok.) You sighed you step on the photos to the put out the fire. It was done... you were free.

~time skip to the next day~

You walked into the bodega. This time you new ko was gonna be around he was supposed to be. You walk around the store get what you need. You were comparing prices of two thing when you heard a something fall. You look to your right were the sound came from. It was a knock over mop and mop bucket. You walked over to it to see why it fell. You saw ko but it did look like ko the first few time you saw him no he was different, he was edgier. His hair was down, he had spiked bracelets, and a bit of eyeliner. You wondered was ko have a phase or something. You taped on the shoulder.
He looked at you." What do you-wait what are you doing here (y/n)." You waved." Hi ko." He scoffed." The name's tko get it right." It was strange that he wanted to be called tko now but you just went with it." Ok tko so um you want to hang out." He look at you and smiled." Sure lets hang out."
(Sorry this was so long)

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