chapter 6

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It had been a few week seens tko and ko had been separated. You were hanging out in the bodega with enid, ko and tko. You heard alarms go off box more was attacking the plaze." Another box more attack great." Enid said sarcastically.
You pull up your hood. There was always a chance one of the box more robots will recognize you. You've been to the factory before. It was always so lotus could give lord box man more of the love potion before it wore off. You had to hang out with shannon, darrell, and raymond. They all recognized you at this point.
You ran out the store then turned the corner before the box could open. You ran down the block. You heard a loud boom. A scream darrell head came flying to you. Darrells head landed by your feet." (Y/n)! What are you doing here. Also could you help me get back to box more i kinda don't have any other way to get back." Darrell laughed nervously." Ok darrell."
You picked up his head and started walking to box more." So those hero's beat you up again." He sighed." Yeah i thought i could beat them this time. Dad's gonna be so disappointed in me." Darrell do you trust me." Yeah why." You kick his head to box more." Sorry 'bout that!"
You walked back to the bodega. When you walked inside. You got weird looks from everyone." What's up guys." Enid walked up to you." What's up with you kid every time a box more bot comes you pull up your hood and hide. Are you scared of them or something." You grunted." I'm not scared ok." Ko started observing your face." Are you sure you're not scared. I'll help you if you are scared." Ko smiled. He wanted to help you but you didn't want his help." I don't want to talk about it." Ko hugged." Please just talk to me i wont judge you." He smiled bright. You then push ko away." I'M NOT GONNA TALK ABOUT IT."
You storm out of the bodega. You ever walking in the woods until you heard a twig break behind you." Who ever's out there come out if you know what's good for you." You turned around to face ko and tko." What you guys want. I said i don't want to talk." Ko just looked at you untill tko elbowed him. "Right um i-i'm sorry that i upset you." We walked i to a clearing." It's not you fault. There's something I've been meaning to tell you." You lays down on the ground. They lay down next to you." P-promise me, promise me you wont hate me." Ko look at you then says." I would never hate." Tko looks at the sky." I promise not to hate you." You sighed." I'm a villain well i work for a villain i met every single one. They all know me. From the bots in box more to lady lotus." Ko looks at you in pure shocked." Is that why you run away every time box more attacks because you're...afraid of being caught and found out. Why did you tell us before." Tko said.You sat up." Becase of the incident that happened six years ago."


You were play with your best friend lucy and brother sammy on the big dam in your town." When i grow up I'm gonna be the best warrior princess there is!" Lucy exclaimed. You were playing hop-scotch you heard cracking. You looked to were the sound was coming from.
It was the dam. It was braking." G-guys the dam it's breaking. We have to get out of here. You all start to run away then you heard sammy scream the ground broke under him. You grabed his arm then you started to slide off slowly." Lucy! Lucy help me!" She looked you stright in the eyes." No! I have to fet out if here!" She started running." No! Wait please! Help!" You feel off the dam.
You woke up in by a river. There were poeple surrounding you. Untill a doctor came. You asked." Have you seen my brother sammy." They look at you with a sad look." I'm sorry but you the only on that washed up here.

* flash back end*
"They lookes for him for weeks and at some point i gave up i was on hope. Left at an orphanage. Were i was adopted and were i meet lady lotus. Thats why I'm here that why it was hard for me to trust other kids. Tko hugged you then ko did the same." It's ok i wouldn't do that let's go back to the bodega." You got up and started walking back to the bodega.

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