chapter 3

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You had to keep going back to gar's bodega again and again. At some point you realize ko had school so he came to the bodega after school. You would always go before. You were walking in the parking lot of the plaza until you felt like you where being followed.
You had this feeling for a few weeks though no one was ever be hind you. You turned around to face a girl with short hair, goggles, blue back pack, a yellow jump suit, and blue boots.
" Who are you and why are you following me!" She looked at you." I am dendy I've been watching you for a few weeks." She said in a monotone voice." So you you've following me. Why! What do you want." She looked at gar's bodega then back at you.
"Well a friend of mine had said they like someone that they think is avoiding them and my studies showing it might be you." A hooligans appeared. It was information about you. Your age, favorite things, dislikes,the time you come here to.
" YOU'VE BEEN STALKING ME! FIRST THE KID AT THE BODEGA FOLLOWED ME AND NOW HE HAS YOU STALKING ME WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS!" She look at you with a straight face. I started walking to the bodega i was gonna teach him a lessonfor this." Wait-Actually I did this because i want to. He's help every one around here so much. He help me with so many thing i just wanted the help him. I didn't mean to up set you." She adjusted her goggles. I sighed." Fine fine just stop following. me please leave me alone." I walked back to the mansion i was gonna ask lady lotus about.
This i was so confused.What should i do should i do should on my feelings i didn't now what i wanted any more i wanted to be ko friend but at the same time i don't because of what happened in the past.
(Sorry this was short)

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