I never wanted to move again. I wished for time to stop running, so that we could stay like this forever..

And I hate myself for being so stupid.


I woke up, expecting to be left alone in this room. My expectation is proven wrong when I felt an arm wrapped around me. I opened my eyes, that were still adjusting to the sunlight, before grabbing my glasses somewhere. When I was done wearing it, I looked beside me where I saw Carroll. Her goddess-like features never failed to amaze me, and how she managed to be beautiful while asleep. I turned my body towards her, flopping myself up on my elbow to stare at her. The sun peaking through the curtains is giving her face a celestial glow, making the atmosphere ethereal.

I let out a sigh before I started whispering. "How the hell am I supposed to get rid of my feelings for you?" Carroll is still and not moving; she's still asleep, so I continued voicing out my thoughts. "Your future partner would be the luckiest person alive." I continued to look at her with a sad smile now plastered on my lips. Unfortunately, I'm not that person and the thought of that dejects me.

I let out another sigh while closing my eyes. Stop it Melissa, you two are friends, nothing more. Just stay right where you are and don't move an inch, Melissa, or else things will get worse. I slowly removed the brunette's arm that was around my waist, carefully to not wake her up. After doing that, I went to my bag and grab some of my stuff to change in before I went to the bathroom jointed with this room.

I took a shower, just a short one, then I changed into my sweater and jeans. After that, I went to the sink to brush my teeth, using my toothbrush and the toothpaste that I brought. I stared at the mirror. A reflection of a girl stared back at me. She was not the girl that did everything it takes to annoy the brunette that's currently sound asleep in her room. She was not the girl that did everything to steal Carroll's position in the student council. Instead, the girl staring back at me is the girl, who suddenly wanted Carroll.

She yearns to be with Carroll.

"Idiot," I grumbled before opening the door to leave. Only to have my face inches away from the brunette that is currently occupying my mind, just like when we first had a sleep over here. I felt heat rush up to my cheeks that are now probably as red as a tomato from the proximity of our faces.

Carroll's emerald orbs are piercing my blue ones with such intensity that I had to step back. However, Carroll put her hands on my shoulders, preventing me from doing actions. Her eyebrows creased. "Who were you talking to?"

"I- uh.." I nervously laughed, my hand scratching the back of my head. She continued to raise an eyebrow at me. "I-I was just talking to myself.." That wasn't a lie at all because for a fact I really was just talking to myself. "Don't worry about it, you know how crazy I could be.." I grinned sheepishly, hoping that Carroll wouldn't push the subject more. She gave me one more look before finally letting go of my shoulders. "O-kay.. Well, anyways let me in and wait for me to prepare,"

Carroll stepped aside to give way for me. "Oh wait," She called out just when I thought she'd already closed the door. I turned my head around "Yeah?" I asked, curious to what is keeping her from taking a bath. "Don't go anywhere without me, understood?" I nodded immediately, my head seemed to be spinning from how fast I shook my head. "And don't touch anything in this room. You can wait on the bed." I nodded and obliged to whatever she wants me to do. She eyed me cautiously while I was on my way to her bed.

When I was already sitting down, her stare turned sharp and then she pointed two fingers on her eyes then to me. I gulped before nodding, after that Carroll finally closed the door. I released the air that I didn't know I was holding. I don't know what's with her but I will just obey Carroll. That side of her, I guiltily admit, is such a huge turn on. Carroll being authoritative is so hot.

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