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May 1536

France's spy's Told their king of what happens to the English queen. Francis was furious! He ordered his spy's to bring the English queen to him. When she arrived a few weeks later the king of France had her confined to the Queens side of the castle. He was protecting her and she asked him why. He did not answer.

June 1536

With rumors the queen of England was dead her daughter remained a princess. Again Anne asked Francis why she's there. He finally answered that he has always been in love with her ever since his first wife Claude died. His second wife died from consumption so he was single.

September 1536

Under the disguise of Francis' youngest son 5 year old Charles wanting to court the young 3 year old princess of England, Anne Boleyn sent a present for her daughters birthday.

December 1536

As months past since she was taken to France she realized Francis was nothing like Henry. That Christmastide Francis asked for her hand in front of all of his court. His court cheered when she said yes.

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