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Chapter 2

Niall Horan. That name just sounds so perfect.

No. Wait what am I doing? No I couldn't fall for him! Not yet anyways…

I was trying so hard not to picture those beautiful blue eyes or that amazing hair that looks so touchable. What would it feel like to run my hands through them. I don't know what the matter with me was; I didn't believe in love at first sight. Nope that wasn't me I believed that you should get to know someone like let's says a couple years, like my parents.

Ughh. I'm so confused. I like him but then again I don't know if so how?!? At times like this I wish I had my best friend-Jenna with me. Her and I were besties nothing could compare to our friendship. Oh how I miss her. We use to have late night talks and I could never forget the things she used to tell me about boys & relationships.


"Hey butthole come over here I have he new issue of Teen Vogue!" Jenna said. We would always give each other mean nicknames. One sign that we were best friends.

"Aye aye captain. Wait ohmygod is that Justin Bieber?!?" I screamed even though it was 2am. I'm not ashamed to admit it but I have an obsession with Justin Bieber.

Anyways Jenna started to read me a article called '5 ways to flirt"

1. Act like your not interested

2. Keep your voice even/don't stutter

3. Never look him/her in the eye (unless you want to fall deeply in love with them)

4. Bat your eyelashes a lot

5. Flip your hair a couple of times

Okay so some of them were so hilarious that me and Jenna laughed for an hour straight till her mom came in and told us to be quiet and sleep. Ahaha those were the days that I really want to go back to.

~End of flashback~

Sigh. Its 9pm and my family went out to buy some more house things. I was so lazy to go with them. Now I kind of wish I did. The kid next door-who will not be named was throwing a party and the music was too loud.

I was debating if I should go over and tell them to turn it down but decided against it. I mean who wants to be know as the girl that killed what could be the best party of the year or it sounded like it was. See if I was back home id be the life of the party. I had some many friends and everyone liked me, not to sound over confident but I was likable back home. Back home…see that's the problem I need to stop living in the past this is my new future. Well at least until I'm 18 so I can get the hell out of here.

I heard a knock that interrupted my thinking. I walked all the way downstairs, which was a lot of stair if you were wondering. I opened the door and there stood Niall

"Ummm hi." I said a little confused to why he was here.

"Hey! Whatsup?! Nicole right? Well hey I just wanted to say sorry for the loud music my friends can get a little wild."

I nodded not understanding what he was doing here.

"Well I know this is weird but since I'm having the party outside my parents locked all the doors inside the house so nobody could get in and I really need to use the bathroom so can I?" he said continuing.

Ahaha so that's why he was here he didn't really want to talk to me or invite me to the party like I was secretly hoping. Oh well a girl can dream cant she.

"Yeah sure. It’s the second door on the left if you go through that hallway." I told him ushering him where it was.

"Kay. Thanks." he started walking toward the bathroom.

I went into the living room waiting for him to finish so I could lock the door afterward. I started to get worried when I noticed it had been more than 15 minutes like who takes that long to pee?! Or wait what if he was a bad guy and was robbing my house right now oh gosh my parents were going kill me. I looked up from my book that I was reading and there he was. Just staring at me. Very weird if you ask me.

"Ummm how long were you staring at me?" I asked.

"For about 10 minutes. Aha you must really like that book what is it?" he asked coming into the living sitting on the couch in front of me.


"Oh is that with vampire and the stupid girl who falls in love with him? Oh and that cool werewolf?!"

I just had to laugh at that. No other guy I knew would have answered like that.

"Ahahahaha" I could even answer him because I laughing too hard.

"Yeah I guess you could say that." I told him after I stopped laughing.

He look at me weird for one second then shook his head smiling at the ground.

"Anyways I was wondering if you wanted to walk with me to the bus stop tomorrow for school."

Oh yeah I totally forgot tomorrow I start a new school. The new school I was going to had a mandatory uniform. Yeah I know I'd kill my self too.

"Yeah sure what time?"

"Umm how bout I pick you up at let's say 6:30? The bus stop isn't that far way from here."

"yeah that works for me. I'll see you then." I regretted what I just said. I basically just told him to leave. Ugh why was I so nervous around him? My hands get sweaty and I can't think straight.

Taking that as an invitation to leave, which I totally didn't mean, he stood up and walked to the door.

"Well I'll see you then." closing the door himself and probably going back to have an amazing time at the party.

Tomorrow I'd have to show him that I'm not such a dummy and I can be normal near him. I locked up the door and went upstairs to think of ways I can impress him. I already know tomorrows going to be hell. Wish me luck xx.

Authors Note: Sorry that it took a lomg time to upload but next time ill write more!! I hope you guys like it! :) Vote/Comment if you want! Thanks for reading xx.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2012 ⏰

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