The Art Of Seduction

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Irene's POV

It's been three days since the necklace was taken from me. Madam Giselle said not to worry because Mykoel would be back before the seven days but i couldn't help but to get slightly worried. I now only had four days to get the necklace or else.

Michael didn't know about the necklace situation and i didn't want him to know. He was already going through it, i didn't want to add more stress onto him.

I was now laying in bed with Michael watching him sleep. He looked so peaceful. The most peace I've seen him in a long time. I had gave him some sleeping pills because he was having slight insomnia. He was gonna be knocked out for the remainder of the night.

Quietly leaving the room, I closed the door behind me and tip toed down the stairs. As i made it to the living room my heart damn near jumped out of my chest when i saw Mykoel sitting on the couch.

His eyes met mines and a smirk began to form on his lips. "Hello Beautiful" It was something about his demeanor that seemed different. He seemed less tense and more relaxed. I guess being in love with someone can do that to you.

A frown appeared on my face. "You stole my necklace"

Mykoel reached his hand out, shortly after i began to float to him until i was by his side.  "I didn't steal anything. I took back what was rightfully mines"

"Out of all people you should know what will happen to me if i don't get the necklace back within in a week. Let me rephrase that, 4 days actually. I only have 4 days. Do you want me to be damned to earth? Do you want Michael to die?"

He rolled his eyes. "Fuck Michael" I wanted to cuss him out so bad but i didn't. I decided to just toy with his feelings. "Well what about me?" His eyes traveled up and down my body. I felt slightly exposed since i had on a short nightgown. "What about you Irene?" I decided to ignore his comment.

"What did you to my cousins body?" I asked curiously.

"Burned it up. Then i sent her soul to hell" I grimaced at his depiction of words. Yes she was an evil person but she was still my cousin. But right now i didn't have much time to think about that. I had a mission to complete.

"Did you miss me?" I asked while scooting closer to him. Our legs were now touching. He looked at me a bit oddly. "What gives you that notion?"

"Well you're here aren't you? Even after you got the still came back. You must miss me" He looked away "Don't flatter yourself" He lightly muttered.

"Well i missed you" I lied straight through my teeth. His head snapped back at me. "I don't believe you..." He sounded so vulnerable. It honestly shocked me. Never in million years would i except him to sound vulnerable. But i had him right where i wanted him.

I straddled his lap and placed my arms around the back of his neck. His cold eyes, gradually soften as i finally came into contact with him. "Why don't you believe me?" I said softly.

"I don't believe anyone" Leaning my head closer to his, our noses lightly touched. I then softly pecked his lips. It was hard for me to do but i did it. He looked a bit perplexed. "I want you" I softly whispered as i began to slowly rock back and forth against his waist.

Underneath my nightgown I had on some silk panties, so i could feel him starting to harden against me. I lifted down the straps of my nightgown, revealing my bare breast. He bit the corners of his lip.

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