You'll Never Know

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Hunter's POV

I let out a sigh as I parked my range rover in front of some bar. I didn't realize how much I had missed out on the last seven years until I saw Cass in the shop yesterday.

She looked so different. She looked deathly skinny, like she wasn't eating, and I could tell she was tired beyond belief. Still as gorgeous as ever, though.

I hate myself for staying away for that long, then all of the sudden making a five minute appearance just to disappear again. I was a total douche for leaving her back then. I went away in the time that she needed me the most. I was an even bigger douche for not even bothering to ask how she was doing yesterday, then leaving again.

I walked into the bar and sat down, ordering a beer. Maybe I could drink this memory away. Stupid, but it's worth a try.

As I ordered my second drink, a man stepped up on a stage that was on the back wall of the bar. "Now, ladies and gents, please welcome back Cassidy Jones!"

I whirled my head around, and sure enough, my Cass was up there with her guitar, the pink one I got her for her birthday when we were 15. I ran up and found a table closest to the stage so I could see her.

She started to play, and I gave her my undivided attention. She. Was. Amazing. As always. She played some Keith Urban, Miranda Lambert, and a few more artists that had always been our favorites.

As she stepped off, I made my way towards her. What was I gonna say? 'Cass, forgive me for being a complete jerk and leaving you alone at the absolute worst time in your life! Lets be best buds again, go get frozen yogurt, and frolic through flowery fields together!'? No.

I lost her in the crowd, and she slipped out the back door. I pushed my way through as fast as I could, and when I finally made it out, she was about to get in to her car.

"Cass!" I yelled, hoping it would get her attention. Thankfully, she looked up, but she didn't seem very happy to see me. "Can I help you?"

"Cass, look, we need to Talk." I said, and she rolled her eyes. "Well then, talk." She said, folding her arms over her chest.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for leaving you, and taking off. It was a selfish, and very stupid move. I was all you had, and I knew that, yet I left." I said, looking at my feet. She let out a frustrated laugh. "Oh, Hunter. You say that like you were the only one that knew what I was going through. We'll guess what? you didn't. You never will. No one does. I lost my brother. Not just my brother, but my TWIN, And not just my twin, but my best friend! He was everything to me. Then to have him just- taken from me like that, it was the worst feeling ever. You don't know, and you never will." Her big blue eyes were filled with tears, which she wiped away quickly.

"Cassidy May Jones! Are you forgetting that Cody was my absolute best friend since preschool, and blood or not, he was my brother? I would have taken a bullet for that guy and he would have done the same for me. If I needed him, he was there as soon as he could be. I sat with him as he died! I watched as he suffered, and I did everything I could to try and save him, yet I failed. How do you think that feels, Cass? I go through every day, knowing that I couldn't save him. That there was nothing I could do to keep him here, even though I tried as hard as I could. Not only that, but I broke the promise I made to him. His last words were, "Promise me you'll take care if her.", and I promised. All he wanted was for me to take care of you, and be there for you. And I didn't." I said, and felt the tears form in my own eyes.

"I need to go." She said, and jumped on her car. She left me in a cloud of dust, tears pouring out of my eyes.

I pulled myself together as best as I could and went back in the bar. Well, might as well get another drink while I'm here.

I lost her again. I broke my promise again.

A/N: No words here. Sorry. :/

-Audri <3

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