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  Once they got home they were all super tired. They all walked into Adora's room but Adora stopped Bow and Catra from coming in. "Oh hey Glimmer." Bow took Catra to his room. "Hey Adora, where have you been all day?" Adora smiled an awkward smile. "Oh uh you know I went to the festival with Bow and Ca..aaats! Yes uh cats we saw cats." Glimmer lifted one eyebrow up. Adora felt tense. "Okay." Glimmer finally said. "I'll only have to stay and rest for a week so we can do some Horde kicking butt next week!" Adora, tried smiling even wider. "That... sounds like..fun!" She closed her eyes and Glimmer left. Bow snuck Catra back into Adora's room. "That.. was a close one." Bow said out of breath. "Yeah. Too close." Catra sneezed. "Oh no." She said eyes wide open.

The next day Adora took Catra's temperature. "I'm so sorry Catra." Catra sneezed. "It's okay Adora.. I don't regret anything." Catra smirked. Adora turned red. Bow walked in with a tray of chicken soup and medicine. He poured the medicine onto a spoon. "This may not taste the best." Catra took it and made a face. "Yeah you're not wrong." He placed the tray in front of her. "Lock the door, Bow." Adora said in a quite voice. Bow locked it and not a minute before that there was a knock on the door. "Heyyy! Guys want to go kick some Horde butt today? I found Horde activity not too far from here!" Adora and Bow helped Catra hide. "I thought she said she'd take a week to heal!" Bow whispered, Adora sighed. "Stay here we'll be right back." She said as Bow went to open the door. Catra nodded and they were gone. Catra got up locked the door again and went to the window. "For the honor of garyskull!" She heard Adora yell and they ran off.

"You're smiling." Catra heard behind her. She jumped and turned. "Scorpia?" There She was standing there face full of disappointment. "What are you doing here?" Catra asked. "What am I doing here? What are you doing here? Catra I thought the Horde was your life?" "I- I'm not going back." Scorpia gave a disgusted look. "I said I'd be by your side. I never thought you'd leave me the way Adora left you." Catra got mad. "Don't you ever compare yourself to Adora! Ever!" Now Scorpia was mad. "You're kidding! A few days ago you wanted her head and now! Now you're falling for her again!?" "It's not like that!" Scorpia took a few steps forward. "Oh yeah? Even when you 'hated' her you'd still never intentionally hurt her. Now you look at her and it's like you've  seen the world!" Catra was silent for a couple of seconds. "You're spying on me now!" Scorpia rolled her eyes. "I told you. You like her! You always see her as worth your time! But i was never good enough right? It's always about Adora! Everything is always about Adora and it always will be!" "Yes because I grew up with her!" "How am I any different!!" Scorpia yelled.

"Glimmer you finish off the rest of the bots. Bow you're with me!" She-Ra yelled. "Okay!" They both responded. She-Ra and Bow made it to the entrance. "Come out Scorpia!" There was no answer. Then it all came together, She-Ra gasped. "Catra!"


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