I saw him flinch and his tail unwrap

"Don't you fucking dare." I growled, knowing what he was going to do I flew back and landed a couple of inches away from him "Don't you fucking dare." I warned again, closing my eyes so no more tears would spill and so I could organize my thoughts.

I heard him walk closer, making my eyes snap open, halting him "I had feelings for you before I even knew what feelings meant. When we were kids I would get so freaking happy to see you. My tail would be so excited that I would have to force it to stay on my waist.." I searched his eyes "I thought you felt the same way" I added looking down.

This time he came right in front me, but he didn't touch me. His tail did.

His tail wrapped around my own and brought it to his lips. He kissed the tip gently. My heart hurt and I growled at the shivers that ran down my spine.

"Can I speak?" He asked, still having my tail in his grasp

I nodded, not being able to talk anymore

"...I am so sorry that I ruined your first time Vi. That was not my intentions. I should've had better control." He spoke softly

I felt a growl leave my mouth "That's a bullshit excuse."

He shook his head and squeezed my tail "You don't understand how you make me feel Vi. I'm always distracted at meetings or at training because you're always there flooding my mind."He searches my face "I love you so much that it hurts me Vi." He spoke

I shook my head, making my tears fall all over the place "Then why did you say those freaking things Brock? Why weren't you there the next morning?" I knew for sure he could see the pain in my eyes

He sighed "I...I don't know what came over me. It all started when you weren't ready at the cave, back five years ago. I didn't want to hurt you, so I would purposely make you not want to come near me. It was childish, I know. But then I would see how you were with Broly and sometimes other male Saiyans and it would get my blood boiling. You didn't see how they looked at you. Like they wanted to-. "He gritted his teeth and took a breathe "So, I took it upon myself to make sure that you would get jealous. I did this by having many relations with girls, I knew it hurt you but it kept you away from other males."

He rubbed my tail, smiling "I left because I had to get ready for the ceremony today. I wanted to stay and wake you up in a way you would never forget."

He frowned at the next part "The reason I said those things to those girls was stupid and I don't expect you to ever forgive me."

He thought of his next words and continued "When I was up on that balcony...I saw over thousands of Saiyans in a crowd. You were the one who made my scowl disappear and smirk."

He was silent for a moment "However, I couldn't help but get jealous at the males who you didn't see. They were drooling over your body and already getting rowdy. Before I could see you I heard rumours that some of them were planning on mounting you during the celebration. I got drunk and got surrounded by those females. They brought the worse out of me. "

He rubbed my tail "I was so mad and upset with myself the minute those words left my mouth. I didn't expect to see you when I looked up, however it didn't surprise me that you had gone Super Saiyan. I would too."

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