She's Fucking Crazy

Start from the beginning

" don't need it alright? your fuckin Vince neil, stop being a little bitch to those drugs man" he nodded and his eyes watered. I pulled him closer and he wrapped me up in a hug that took my breath away,

"I'm fuckin better then that shit.." I nodded and patted his back. When he let go I held out a hand and we helped each other up. I followed him out of the bathroom and every person we passed was watching us. Suddenly I knew what was happening and I leaned closer to Vince,

"They think we fucked...this is just fucking wonderful" I rubbed my temples in frustration and eyed the curious faces of our table. I held my hands up to defend myself as we got closer,

"Hey now, fucking listen yea? I didnt- we didnt do anything ok? I got sick and he was really fucked up but that's it ok?" Nikki and Tommy didnt look like they were totally convinced but Nikki gave a small nod. I sat on the outside seat across from Vince who was rubbing his face,

"I gotta eat, I'm so fucking hungry" I giggled and looked over at Nikki who was side eyeing me. I pursed my lips and sat up,

"Alright can we go now?" Nikki and Tommy were already getting out of the booth and they had forgotten Vince and I were messed up because they had already almost walked out of the door when they turned to see me trying to wrap Vinces arm around my neck. Once he was stood up he was able to walk but Tommy did lend me a hand.

The car ride was slow, and excruciatingly silent, besides a few lyric toss arounds from Nikki and Tommy from the front. I was left to hold Vince in my arms like a baby, and oddly enough I didnt mind. His face was pale and sweaty and his eyes had obvious bags under them. I felt pity for him, he was upset by his use of heroine and I honestly thought that it wouldn't hurt to try and help him, after all he had helped me. A few times I thought he was dead but he would let out a loud sharp snore and then relax back onto my lap. When we finally arrived back at the hotel Tommy was able to walk Vince back up to our suite and I was left alone, with Nikki, who didnt look that happy. I went to take a step but Nikki stood in my way,

"Are you just going to act like none of that fucking happened back there?" I looked up at him and wasnt really sure what he was talking about,

"I got drunk Nikki, what the hell...I'm sorry. Shit" He threw his head back as he laughed,

"June you got fucking wasted! You cant just fucking trust everyone!" I held my hands on my hips and Nikki sighed,

"Can I trust you Nikki? Can I trust any of you?" Nikki held up his hands and a twinge of annoyance played on his voice,

"Have we not proven that yet?! We fuckin like you man, your not like..just some groupie, your cool, you can shred a fucking drum set dude" I smirked and let my hands fall back to my sides,

"Yea, I'm sorry..I dont usually act like that, I didn't mean to embarrass anybody" Nikki assisted me back into the hotel,

"No it's not like that, we just think your really wicked but like, if we get attached its serious you know? Like your apart of the family, we dont always attract the best crowds is all" I hung my head low and a wave of guilt took over me. Here I was acting like a total bitch and thinking they hadnt been serious when they asked me to be apart of the band,

"I'm sorry, I honestly didnt believe you when you asked me to stay, it's easy to get used out here" Nikki opened the room door and he let me in,

"June we've used plenty of people and sometimes we still do..but your like one of those rare people that can hold their own, your like bad to bone and we saw your worth but here, with us, we could use a wild card like that" I tilted my head,

"I'm not that wild Nikki, look at Tommy, or even Mick, you guys are Motley Crue...wildly successful heavy metal band..I'm expendable, your not" I felt warm hands embrace me from behind and a rough voice tickle my neck,

"We weren't drunk when we asked you to be apart of our dysfunctional family, that means we ment it" I turned around, met by the smirk on Micks face. I smiled and wiggled a finger in his face,

"Says the guy who likes to sleep with old women" Mick shot me a grimace and he shrugged,

"Well if you have to know the sex was amazing, very mature" I laughed and held my stomach,

"Where does she live? The nursing home?" Mick looked offended and I held up my hands,

"Alright alright, you got some ass, respect I guess" i gave a bored shrug and fell onto the couch. Mick was confused and I could hear it in his voice,

"Where the hell did you guys go?" Nikki was now using this quiet time to get in his drinking for the night,

"The usual spot, you were busy playing with the circus so we dipped, June and Vince got fucked up" Mick glanced over at me but I was beginning to fall asleep,

"You know she probably has alot of issues man, can we afford that?" I heard a sigh and the opposite voice,

"We all have issues Mick, besides..she needs someone man, we watched her lose so much, we cant just leave her" there was a shuffling of body parts and a sigh from a long needed drink,

"Yea I guess your right, you know, shes pretty fucking funny" a small chuckle,

"Shes fucking crazy man"


This was a short chapter but since I already updated today I figure tomorrow I'll make up for that.


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