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Billy opens his eyes and smells food cooking. "Hello," He says seeing if anyone is in the room. There is silence. He steps out of his room and goes into the bathroom. He looks at his face, one of his eyes is very swollen and he sees a blur through it. He splashes cold water on his face puts sunglasses on and goes downstairs.
  Billy sits down at the dinner table and watched the whole family hold hands and say, "all hands on deck," before they eat. It made Billy cringe every single time it was so weird and funny. He is glad they don't quote the Bible or anything like that though. "Billy! Why are you wearing sunglasses? It's cold and cloudy outside!" Darla shouts from across the table.  "I like how they look?" Billy questions himself. "Please take them off while at dinner Billy." The foster mom says. "I don't want to." He says. The parents whisper to each other. It ends with the guy saying, "you have to listen to what we say. We don't allow this in our household." Billy is tired of being parented and told what to do, "then I'll just eat outside then." The table got quieter and quieter. "Do not back talk us," the mom says. "Okay," Billy goes back up to his room.
20 minutes pass by and Freddy walks in, "sorry you got in a fight today. If you're worried you can't tell what he's saying to you. Also if you want we could start a YouTube channel where you test out your powers.." Freddy is interrupted by Billy, "do you ever wonder what your life would be like if you had both your biological parents married together, and maybe have a sister?" Freddy looks at him and he tears up, " yeah, i mean i had that, all of it." He wipes a tear away, " I lost them all, and sometimes i think maybe i should've gone too."
Billy looks at Freddy in a different way. He had an even more tragic backstory, and in a completely different way.
Billy changes the subject, "by the way i like your idea." Billy didn't like his idea, and he felt guilty for saying so but he had to say something. He wasn't sure if he should comfort Freddy, he wasn't really good at comforting people because he didn't ever try to. Freddy smiled and said, "good in a few hours let's go out and test some more powers. I'll get everything ready." Billy smiled back, "ok i guess." Freddy looks back at him, "you don't want to do this. Yeah, i knew it, I got exited for nothing, it's fine." Billy looks him in the eye and says, "i just have a good idea." Freddy looks like he is about to talk when the dad yells, "Billy come down here!" Billy puts the glasses on walks down to see the dinning room table cleared with the foster parents sitting at the end.
"Take off the glasses Billy." Billy was scared, these people seemed nice but he was worried about what they would do. He had to listen to them this time. "I'm sorry, i didn't want to." Billy says as he pulls off the sunglasses to reveal a slightly swollen black eye. "We got an email from one of the counselors, and they said you punched first, is that true?" The mom says as she looks closer at his eye. "Yeah, but..." Billy was interrupted by the Dad, "we don't use 'but' in our sentences. Just explain to us what happened." Billy thinks back to what happened and lies just a little so they don't get mad, "i asked if i could go to the bathroom. I couldn't find it so i went to look for the one that i knew where it was. I saw the guy walk up to me and yelled at me, and called me stuff and then told me to hit him. Everyone was filming it and he kept saying things, so i punched him. And we got in a fight and he got me to the ground kicked me and slapped me. Then i punched him and I broke his nose or something. Then school was over." Billy was relieved to tell someone what happened. He was sore and annoyed with this kid and his life. Sometimes Billy wondered why he didn't just leave this house and end everything now but Freddy's voice would pop into his head and those feelings would go away. "They want to give you a detention because you've gotten a warning already and according to your teachers you've been ditching class, and you hit first. You need to be a good kid."Billy remembers times when one of his foster parents, Doug, who Billy stayed with when he was seven told him he needed to be a good kid. Doug was mean, he fed Billy and got him things but he just wasn't nice. He yelled at Billy when he did something bad, or if he couldn't finish his food. Billy had all these flashbacks of scary memories where Doug would scream at him. Billy didn't know where to start first and the pressure and anxiety of the last words hit him, "i-i didn't mean to i just didn't know what to do, he said things to me. I'm bad at school. I'm sorry." The fosters noticed how tense he got and were still trying to figure him out. He was very difficult to parent because they couldn't figure out the right approach. Billy ignored every way they tried to reach out to him, and the parents questioned themselves even though they had done this several times."Put this ice on it, so the swelling calms down and the pain stops." The dad says. Billy grabs it and touches it to his face, it stings but he keeps it there anyway. He went back upstairs to his room and Freddie was sitting at their desk.
Billy was so caught up on school and other things he almost forgot about what happened on the train and all of that stuff. Billy wanted to also see if he could buy beer and try it and thought he should probably invite Freddy,"Later tonight, after we test stuff do you maybe want to come with me to uh.. do adult stuff." Freddy got red, "um look you seem ok.. but i don't know about that kinda shit." Billy puts his hand on his face in embarrassment, "No, i meant, wait what did you think? I wanted to buy beer at the store and see if it would work cause I turn into an old guy." Freddy was now embarrassed too, "oh, sure, I'm sorry for that, I don't know why I thought of that. Just got a dirty mind i guess!"
Freddy puts his headphones back on and Billy goes up to his bed. Billy was happy, he had never had someone who wanted to go somewhere with him, or understand him that wanted to be his friend. Billy wasn't sure if they were friends yet but if not he hoped that Freddy and him would be. Billy thought back on his day and everything he did wrong. Then after he just laid there looking at the ceiling thinking about pretty much nothing.
The mom comes in turns off the light and says, "goodnight." She lays down by Freddy and gives him a kiss. No one had ever done that to Billy from what he remembers. Until a few years ago Billy didn't even know moms did that. He doesn't remember much about his actual mom, and feels regret for it. He sniffles, he was about to cry like always. He hated crying but it's all he ever did, but only really quietly. "Hey Billy are you okay?" The moms tone was soft and gentle. "Yes!" He says while trying to smile. "Are you hungry?" She asks. Billy was starving but something inside him couldn't say yes, "No I'm good I'm very full." "Lies," She says, "come downstairs and eat."
Billy grudgingly went downstairs and sat down. She went to the kitchen and started to microwave something. Billy was happy that they just fed him and didn't ask him questions. He always lied about stuff anyways. He sat there and ate his dinner. He ate everything even though he hated carrots because he was scared that the parents would get mad or something. "How have you felt since you came here?" The mom asks him. "The same as always," Billy really couldn't think of anything better to say. "Look we know it's been a rough few days but you really need to be focused. If you aren't showing up to your classes and behaving properly things won't end well for you. So can you please be better for us, because we care Billy." Billy was sick and tired of people telling him what to do and acting like his parents, because no one was except his mom. "Why is everyone always telling me what to do! You are not my parents! I barely even know who you are! I don't even know your fucking names! I've heard all of this before and I can do this on my own! And I'm not gonna listen to you now, and i never will!" Billy ran upstairs and felt relieved to let his anger out, he wasn't sad, he was just angry and empty. Billy felt so many feelings inside, and was confused on so many levels.
     "Let's go," Billy said half angry half excited. "Right now?" Freddy looks up at him and raises his eyebrows. "Yeah! C'mon i want to get out of here!" Billy zips up his bag and puts it on his back. "Did my parents go upstairs?" Freddy asks. "Yeah let's just go while we can. I made it look like we're sleeping." Billy move the pillows around to look like body's and then they sneak out of the house.

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