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    Billy gets out of bed in his pajamas and sits down. He looks at all the scars on his arm, he was always going somewhere new. He looked back, and Freddy was still sleeping. He pulled out the pocket knife in his bag moving it slowly towards his arm. Freddy grunts, and Billy flinches quickly putting the knife away.
  Freddy pushes his body towards the edge of the bed and grabs the side. He pushes himself off the bed. He steps on a lego and grabs  his foot in pain, but looses his balance and falls down. Billy looks over and is worried for him. Billy grabs his waist, pulling him up. It was awkward for them both, and Billy felt he may have stepped to far."Hey will you get me my crutch it's normally by my bed but i forgot last night."Freddy's voice scratchy and dry because he had just waken up. Billy looks up at Freddy and wonders what it would be like to not be able to run away from problems, barely walk away from them. "Yeah sure." He hands the crutch to Freddy, Billy watches as Freddy leans his body into his crutch sticking his arm in the support. Freddy smiles at Billy and says,"Don't worry about me, you're giving me the look that everyone always gives me. I'm used to it now, trust me falling is the least painful part."Billy cringes internally at what Freddy said and just wanted to leave the strange tension inside the room.
Billy quickly goes to the door and before he leaves Freddy interrupts him, "hey, I heard you crying last night, and i was not asleep this morning when you had gotten up. If you need help I'm here for you, so yeah. And kids like us need it the most and we have all been through this and understand this stuff. And... so let me know if you're ok.." Freddy looks up at Billy's eyes, not realizing the bright shade of blue they are until then. "I'm okay," Billy whispers quietly, "I'm not alone." Billy thinks about not being alone, but he is alone and he does need help. Freddy walks off and Billy heads downstairs too.
   Everyone is scrambling around, Darla says good morning and the foster mom shouts, "Freddy come get your medicine." Billy wasn't really a breakfast kid. Sometimes his fosters would be nice people and he'd get eggs, or cereal, and a nice glass of milk but sometimes they weren't. At one point he lived on a farm with lots of potatoes and that's all Billy would eat. He never went hungry but potatoes were way less appetizing to him.
His foster Dad walks up to him and says, "Good luck on your first day, I used to get so many. It was the best I'd make up weird stories about my family like that we were from royalty or that my mom was a famous singer. Well anyways time to go." His new foster parents look at him and tell him their number, and give him some money for school lunches. Billy gets the back next to Darla. Darla asks a lot of questions. "How old are you? What grade are you in? What's you're favorite brother sister bonding activity? Red or Blue? I pick blue because it is prettier and the color of the sky." They are dropped off at school and Billy snaps at Darla. "Look I'm not your brother ok, we're not friends, and i don't want to answer anymore of your dumb questions!" Darla runs off to Freddy and they walk down the hall together.
Billy walks into his first class. New kid again. He stopped paying attention in school because they all taught different things and nothing made sense. The teacher says, "Billy Batson, tell us a little about yourself." Billy looks around at everyone and says, "my mom and i moved here when i was little. We used to travel but now we are back here." Billy didn't care if people talked about him or gossiped, words stopped hurting him. After years of verbal abuse what could a rumor do to hurt him. The Bell was about to ring and the teacher said, "Billy wait after class." The bell rang and everyone ran off.
The teacher looked him in the eye and said, "hey i know your with that placement, you shouldn't have to lie about stuff like that, this is an accepting community." Billy does not care, "okay." He walks off.
   Other than that school was pretty normal, except for lunch. Freddy came over and sat next to Billy blabbering about every stupid superhero in existence. "Flight or invisibility?" he asks, "everyone chooses flight." Billy "actually" intrigued asks, "Why? Probably so they can fly away from this conversation."
  School was finally over. Billy saw a big group of kids all in a circle around Freddy and two other kids trying to beat him up. Billy almost walks away but feels guilty and gives them a punch. He then runs away, Freddy couldn't stop him from running away could he? He was a cute kid, but why did Billy care about him more than he did with most people. Billy thought that maybe a friendship wasn't a bad idea and maybe he wouldn't run too far. But he had to get into the subway before the Bullies got to him. He barely made it on flipping the bullies off then sitting down.

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