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Another Morning came and Billy had slept in because the foster dad came in and said, "get up kiddo, how did you sleep?" Billy didn't feel like talking, so he just nodded his head. Billy liked being quiet because he didn't have any responsibilities and it made him feel like he was just a ghost or shadow which was comforting.
  He walks downstairs to another crazy morning with everyone moving around everywhere. "Good morning Billy!" Darla says excitedly, Billy looks at her and waves. The foster mom yells, "kids get in the car it's time to go!" Billy goes in and sits next to Freddy. "Are you alright now?" Freddy asks wondering about the night before. "Yeah," Billy says quietly. Freddy doesn't ask anymore questions and Billy plays with a compass.
They pull up to school and Freddy stays in the car after everyone leaves and talks to his Mom. "What's up with him," Freddy asks out of curiosity. "Why, is he rude? are you ok?" his mom looks concerned, "no yeah he's just quiet, and sensitive. And i think he's depressed." Freddy got louder as he spoke and his mom responds, "baby, you worry too much. I'm glad you care. He has some issues but he'll be ok." Freddy barely gives her time to finish, "what issues? I need to know cause he does things... that he shouldn't be..." Freddy's mom shushes him, "It's just the normal stuff, But you, we all went through this. You were once in his spot, so remember that okay Freddy baby?" Freddy looks up and remembers what happened when he first got there even though he was six, "i will." He finally gets out of the car and walks to class.

Billy walks down the halls, he skipped period 1. It was English, his worst subject. He didn't ever write his essays or annotate his papers, because in the other classes he could get a C's and Besides he always had to write about himself and talk about his life and he did not want to get into that. The halls were almost all empty, except for people walking to classes or also ditching class. Mr.Ruben, the principal, walks by and notices Billy, "aren't you supposed to be in class Mr? What teacher do you have? I'm taking you to them." Billy panicked and was thinking of excuses and he didn't know the teachers name, Freddy had a free period and said,"he is in my class I'm heading there right now I'll make sure he goes with me." The principal looks at him and as he speed walks away says, "ok thanks."
   "Dude I've covered for you twice now and I've only known you like two days." Freddy looks at him in a kind of annoyed way, "you're lucky I was there." Billy was thankful, "thanks, i.. do you know where this is?" Freddy reads it and points down instructing him where to go and then limps off to class. Billy walks to class and knocks on the door, the teacher walks up and opens it. "Billy Batson? Unexcused tardies are not allowed in this classroom and you will get detention next time, you have a warning." Billy laughs to himself, he could care less about a warning.
   "Alright class take out your books page 241, we will read train style okay? Madison you start us off." The girl began to read and then two boys, girl boy, and girl, until it was Billy's turn. He did not want to read in front of everyone, he didn't even want to talk. He had so much anxiety. "Go!" He heard a kid say. Billy didn't want to read and dozed off quickly, "Um, I don't know where we are." "Sarah, continue from there." The teacher saved him which was nice, or maybe she was just more angry with him.
   She walks over to his desk and leans down next to him. "I know you're new here but you need to participate" Billy nods his head, "yeah i guess. But I'm bad at this." The teacher looks concerned, "if you're bad that's why you need to show up to my class." Billy disagreed if he showed up he'd just be more lost. "I guess." Billy shrugged. "You know!" The teacher backed away and went back to paying attention to the reading.

The bell rang after an hour and Billy had gym class, Freddy was in it too somehow. They all lined up against the gym wall and the teachers yelled out their names. "Billy Batson?!" The coach yells. "Here!" Billy says. "Today we are playing futsal. It is indoor soccer. Get into two teams and start playing." Billy looks over at Freddy, who looks down at his leg and walks off. Billy runs after him. "Are you okay?" Billy sees Freddy's shoulder and walks next to him to see his face. "It's moments like these where i wish i wasn't like this. The coach doesn't even care that i can't play, he barely passes me in this class. And sometimes i just want to be like everyone else!" Freddy throws his crutch down to the floor in frustration. Billy looks over at Freddy and asks, "how did it happen?" Freddy waits a second and says, "it was when i was really young with my Grandpa. I was injured so bad i almost died, I'm lucky i can walk." Billy felt bad for Freddy because he complained and he was healthy.
"But I'm fine with it, i just wonder what it would be like to not be the 'crippled kid' haha," Freddy tried to lighten it up but Billy still frowned. "Boys get up!" The gym teacher yelled at them. Billy hands Freddy his crutch and joins the game. He scored a goal. Thirty minutes pass and class ends.
The rest of the day passes by quick, history, biology, science, Spanish, lunch, and last math.
Billy and Freddy talked more about, the hero guy at lunch discussing names to call him. Freddy and Billy also had the same math, Algebra. Billy had a seat in the very front which meant he had to follow rules. They got a pop quiz from the day before and Billy's had a F on it with 7%. He was stupid of course he failed, but he got one question right which was fine with him. "Homework tonight on dividing integers, due tomorrow," the teacher said with no excitement. Worksheets were passed out and Billy just looked at his paper like a foreign object. He just hated himself even more he was so worthless, "Mr.Kirben can i go to the bathroom?" Students laughed at him but he wasn't trying to be funny. "When you're done with the worksheet." He said across the room.

Billy quickly wrote random answers and told him , "I'm done with the worksheet." The teacher went over and looked at him and said, "this is unacceptable behavior do you want a zero on this paper?" Billy just raised his eyebrows, laughed, then walked out of the class. He doesn't know why he acted like that then. He wants to be nice but there is a barrier around him that he can't seem to get past. He walks to the bathroom and goes in a stall. He pulls out his pocket knife and cuts his wrist. The pain hurts but feels so good at the same time. It makes Billy feel better and blood fills up in the cut and drips off his arm. It wasn't too deep but it was bleeding a lot so Billy just put a bandaid around the cut pressing his fingers into his tender cut. He gets out of the stall and looks in the mirror. There is a group of boys vaping in the corner and one boy inside a stall. Billy walks out and walks around again and goes over to a bench. He sits there and just touches his wound and plays with it for about 20 minutes. He has to go back to class because he forgot his backpack.
Billy walks in and sees Freddy right away he is smiling and doing his work but Billy looks away after a second. He grabs his bag and tries to walk away. "Where are you going this time?" The teachers raises his eyebrow at Billy. "Anywhere but here," And then Billy runs out of the door and into the courtyard.
"Funny seeing you here foster boy!" The same kid that beat up Freddy yesterday was there with all of his friends. "Look you got me yesterday, and that was cute but it's time for us to fight like real men." Billy was confused, he had been in many fights before but he didn't want to fight this guy, he was a junior and had tons of friends to back him up. All of the boys pulled out there phones and started filming. "Don't be a pussy, hit me! Go head and do it! Hit me you orphan!" Billy panicked and punched him in the cheek. But that gave the other kid the perfect opportunity to punch him in the stomach, rip off his hat and hood, grab his hair and hit him in the face. Billy gave up and kneeled the ground and grabbed his ear in pain. The kid kicked him, and said, "this is what happen to kids who fight back!" All Billy could think about was how he was so mean. "You gonna cry for your mommy? Oh wait you don't have one! Haha" After he said that Billy turned around and knocked him in the face. The bullies nose and lip started bleeding, and all the kids put there phones away. Billy ran off.

The final school bell rang and school was over, but Billy had a black eye, blood on his ear and cheek, and bruises on his back and stomach. He wanted to cry again but he couldn't, his lips quivered and his eyes watered but he tried to smile. He headed out of the bathroom, and pulled up his hood.
Billy got in the van first and went to the back, and turned to the side so no one could see his bruises. "Hi Billy! How was your day?" The Foster mom asked, Billy rolled his eyes, "good."
"Buckle your seatbelts!" She says as Darla and Eugene walk in. The car loads up and Freddy is in the front seat. The drive home is quick, Billy gets out of the car last goes inside and lays on his bed.
   He is alone and the lights are off. He remembers getting his powers and how great it feels to be Shazam. Was he worthy of it, he was not a superhero, he wasn't even a super anything. It's about thirty minutes and Freddy walks in, "why are the lights off. Billy are you in here." Billy doesn't respond. "You and me tonight let's see what other abilities you, um poses." Freddy says as he sits at his desk and goes on his computer.
There is a knock on the door. "Who is it?" Freddy asks. "It's Eugene. Billy's fight video has a little over  2,000 views on instagram, so the whole school knows! It's crazy! Have you seen it Billy?" Billy only had a cheap flip phone that could call, so he hasn't seen the video. "No I'm, I don't want to see that." Billy turns around and tries to take a nap. He looks at the compass in his hand, and drifts off to sleep.

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