Bitch is My Middle Name

Start from the beginning

"Bet he brings out a pair of your pants Tommy, you have fucking chicken legs dude" Tommy threw a piece of pizza at Vince who picked it up off the floor and continued to eat it. I frowned but blew it off, it could be worse. Nikki returned with a pair of black and white latex pants, the same ones I'd seen Tommy wearing the first day I'd met them. Literally yesterday. I grabbed as they were tossed at me and not expecting anything else i was then hit in the face with a black button up shirt. I sighed and held the clothes,

"Even though this is disgusting I dont really feel like going outside, tomorrow I'm buying my own clothes, my own size and..definitely not latex" I groaned and trudged my way all the way to the bathroom, laughs and leg slaps could be heard behind me. In the bathroom, that was now clean thanks to me, I slid off the sticky latex and threw it on the floor, I already felt so much better. I slid into the shower and as soon as the hot water hit my head and trickled down my body I felt new. A few minutes later, with hair and body washed, I hopped out and attempted to put on the clothes provided. Surprisingly the pants fit well but I had to roll them up at the bottoms and I had to also dig threw the room for a belt to hold them up. The only one I could find had decorative bullets on it but I couldnt complain, look who it belonged to. The shirt felt a little like silk but it fit nice, it was a little long but I was short as fuck so I wasnt really expecting the perfect fit. When I stepped out of the room all eyes were on my new look. If I was honest all I had to do was tease my hair and I'd look like a band member. Tommy came over and he knelt down, he grabbed at the pants and pinched but there wasnt any loose material. He nodded with a smile,

"Yea your skinny as fuck, nobody else can fit those but me babe, that's dope" I giggled and sniffed the shirt,

"This shirt smells kind of like ass, but not a horrible ass" Vince choked on his drink and Tommy was wheezing. Nikki rolled his eyes,

"Its mine, it's one of my favorites so you should feel pretty special" I bit my lip and let the collar of the shirt fall back down around my neck,

"I didnt say I didnt like it" I sent a grin across the room and Nikki had caught it. He smiled back and I felt a little more confident that they hadnt asked me to stay because they needed a toy. I couldnt lie they had been pretty nice to me so far. The sounds of aggressive love making could be heard now from Micks room and I realized that Becky having brought home a new guy each night, I didnt even seem to mind the noises that were now growing. The guys didnt really seem like they wanted to be in the room any longer because Nikki opened the front door and as they walked out he gestured a hand out of the door asking me if I wanted to go. I quickly slid on the only shoes I had and dashed out of the door. It felt so good to leave the confinements of that room I'd spent almost two days in. Once we made it to the lobby a group of guys and a couple chicks threw up horns with their hands and the boys threw them right back. One guy even shouted into the lobby,

"Yeah! Its Motley fucking Crue!" I laughed and put a hand over my mouth, people really did love them. I could see the front doors and the sun beaming through, it made my heart jump. I hadnt been outside for awhile now. I skipped the rest of the way and pushed the doors wide open. In just a few moments people seemed to crowd around me and I felt trapped, they held out pens and papers and microphones and anything they wanted signed. My eyes widened and I looked around for the crue but they hadnt made it out yet,

"Hey what's it like being apart of a band?!" One voice rang out,

"Can you sign my chest!" A topless girl flung her boobs at me. I was speechless, I had only technically been apart of the band this morning until now and somehow everyone already knew. I felt arms wrap around my waist and lift me up. I was thrown over a shoulder and when I looked up I saw Tommy and Vince smiling from behind Nikkis back,

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