Chapter 2

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When I arrived at my parents' house, their car wasn't outside the door. Nevertheless, I decided to ring the bell... Maybe Ryan had at least stayed at home.

Exactly that was the case. He opened me with a pale face and hugged me immediately. What the hell was going on here? Normally he wouldn't even have hugged me if someone had offered him ten euros for it. "What's the matter?" I asked confusedly. But my brother just shook his head, let me in and we sat down together on the sofa.

Finally he broke the silence: "Mum and Dad went to the hospital. It's Grandpa Joseph. He had a car accident..." That message struck me like a stroke. "Do you know how he is?' I asked and tried to suppress the trembling in my voice. I had to stay strong - for Ryan. But he just shook his head.
"Why didn't Mum and Dad call me," it shot through my head. But a little later I could answer this question myself: Grandpa had been more important in this situation!

I spent the whole afternoon calming down Ryan. Again and again I was about to call my parents, but probably they already had enough stress and I didn't want to cause more.

When I heard the key turning in the lock in the evening, I jumped up immediately. Ryan followed me to the door. The facial expression of my parents revealed everything - I thought.

My mum ordered us back on the couch - quite unnecessary, I thought. What was important to me at the moment was how Grandpa Joseph was. After a short silence Dad finally brought out: "He's in a coma... The doctors don't know yet if he'll ever wake up again..."

Suddenly sitting down didn't seem so unnecessary anymore, because otherwise I probably would have fallen down. It was as if the floor under my feet was moving. However, unlike the rest of my family, I did not shed any tears. It had always been that way. I ate all my worries into myself, but sometime in the following hours, days, weeks or months I had a complete emotional breakdown.

This time it came earlier than expected. In the evening I said goodbye to my parents and my brother - I had to be alone. Then I drove to my apartment. There the emotional breakdown finally began.

I did not unlock my door at all, but simply ran off. Simply away - as if I could run away from my feelings.

It was already pitch dark when I began to run more slowly in a park unknown to me. I had probably lost my way. How long had I been on the road anyway? I had completely lost track of time. At 18:00 o'clock I had come off with my parents and I needed 10 minutes to my apartment. Now it was 20:15 o'clock. So I had been on the road for over 2 hours. How far away from home was I?

Fortunately the park was illuminated and I had my mobile phone with me - so first of all everything was fine.


Have you ever thought about running away from home, or have you ever done so?

I myself have thought about it a lot when I had a big fight with my parents... then I always wanted to run to my grandma haha

Well, as long as everyone finds his own good way to deal with problems, everything is fine.

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