Entry 49 - Raymond's Narrative

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"It's not a dream. You're back now. You're back." Alan was crying, his hands coming up to touch Elliot's hands, his face, hair, anything to reassure him that his love was actually in his arms.

"I never..." His jaw clenched, and he pulled Alan closer, burying his head in his hair and breathing in deeply.

"I thought I'd never see you again."

Alan let out a choked sob, muffled by Elliot's chest, and I could see his arms holding Elliot as close to him as he could. I doubted that he ever wanted to let him go now that he finally had him back.

"It's been so long." Alan sobbed, and Elliot's grip tightened around Alan's head and shoulders, kissing the top of his head, his forehead, gentle kisses that must have barely brushed against his skin.

"I know. I know." He sighed against Alan's forehead. They stayed like that for a few moments, neither of them speaking, only Alan's quite sniffles falling between them.

Then Elliot loosened his grip on Alan, leaning back slightly to look at him. With one hand, he tilted Alan'a chin up, tucking the hair his embrace had ruffled behind his ear with the other. I thought maybe he was going to kiss him, but he never leaned forward, didn't change anything about the way he was standing, just staring down at Alan's upturned face.

Then, he slowly brought his hand forward, wiping away a tear that trickled down Alan's cheek. His touch was almost too gentle, like he was afraid of what his hands might do to him. With his other hand, he brushed the tears away from the other cheek. He was touching him like he still couldn't believe he was real-that he was standing right in front of him.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered, and Alan closed his eyes, tears falling from their corners. He sighed, the months of waiting and worry finally finding an outlet as he stood in Elliot's arms. He leaned forward, burying his face in Elliot's neck, and Elliot just held him there, neither of them saying a word.

I wanted to leave them there forever, but several doctors and servants were approaching, and I knew what they were here for.


His eyes snapped open, his calm breath hitching as he looked around for where my voice came from.

"Elliot, the doctors need to do a quick check up on you now that you are back. It shouldn't take too long."

Fear filled his eyes, and he looked down at Alan, then back at me, and finally at the doctors who were trying to stand there in the least menacing way possible. They were all specially trained to deal with victims of rape and assault, and all of them knew just how threatening everything was to him right now.

"Why?" Hard, and nothing like the tone he had used when talking to Alan moments before.

"We just need to make sure you're okay." I tried to reassure him, but he was already pushing Alan away, guarding himself with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"I'm fine." Ha voice quivered, and his body showed signs of malnutrition. He was no where near fine.

"I'll be there with you, if you want, Elliot."

"No." His sharp answer silenced Alan immediately, his eyes darting between all the faces in front of him.

"No. Let's just get this over with. I'm tired." One of the doctors began to lead the way, and Elliot followed, but his eyes shifted back once more to look at me and Alan.

Why the Straight One? | Book 1 | bxbМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя