Entry 35 - It's A Bet

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I was just about to open the door leading out of our rooms and into the hallway, when I heard voices. It sounded like an argument, so I figured I'd stay in my room a few seconds longer and let them pass by.

For some reason, it sounded like they had stopped walking, and I could hear their voices much louder. I could tell now that one of them was Raymond's.

"Look, I know I said I would, but things came up—"

"So what am I supposed to do? Go introduce myself to the whole palace?" I didn't recognize the voice, but whoever it was sounded angry.

"It wouldn't kill you to just wait in your room until I'm back. It should only be an hour or so."

"And it wouldn't kill you to stop being such an asshole."

"You are not understanding on purpose. I have to go to this meeting."

"That you knew about before and decided to remember just now. Fuck you, Raymond."

"Stop making this into such a big thing. Don't you know how to handle yourself for one hour?"

"Oh I can handle myself just fine and you know it. It's not about that." It sounded like something hit the wall, and I really hoped they would move on soon. I wanted to go down to breakfast.

"This is about you trying to ditch me. Was I that boring last night?"

"No. Nothing like that."

"Then it seems like you shouldn't be in such a hurry to get rid of me."

I didn't hear their voices after that point. Assuming they were moving on, I waited ten more seconds to make sure they had enough time to walk away before opening my door.

Now I really wished I had gone out while they were arguing. Or maybe waited until I was completely sure that they were gone.

Because now I had uncomfortable experience of seeing some unknown person pressing Raymond against the wall, not two feet from my door, and making out like crazy. Raymond pushed him away as soon as he heard the door close, and whoever the man was, let go of him and looked over at me.

The thing was that he seemed completely unfazed. Raymond was staring to mutter some explanation, I'm sure my cheeks were burning, and he just stood there, an almost imperceptible smile on his face.

And in that awkward split second, I couldn't help but stare at him. He was probably one of the best looking men I had ever seen, and he looked like he knew it.

"Umm, Cole, this is my brother-in-law Alex. Alex this is Cole." When he heard who I was, understanding seemed to dawn on him, and his smile became more prominent. He was finding out awkwardness amusing.

"It's nice to meet you, Alex." He held out his hand, and I took it rather stiffly. Alright, maybe I was being a little rude, but they were right outside my room making out, and I was a little annoyed. Raymond should have known better.

"Nice to meet you. Are you staying long?" He looked between Raymond and I, probably noticing the glare I was shooting at my now red faced brother-in-law. Come to think of it, I'd never seen Raymond blush.

"A little while. And sorry about this, but don't be mad at Raymond. I started that." He too looked at Raymond, but much differently than me, and I really wished this awkward encounter could just end.

"Well, I need to go get breakfast." I took a step backwards, trying to get away without seeming rude.

"Oh wait, Alex!" I was just about to turn around when Raymond spoke again.

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