Chapter Fourteen

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no one gets away until they whip it

"YOUR FAMILY SO NICE," Maria said smiling hugely at Amber. The pale girl blushed and nodded gorgeously. Maria has never really considered Amber to be a family girl, but she actually was. From the minute Maria stepped into Amber's house, the girl was attached to her younger siblings hips.

It was nice to see Amber express anything other than annoyance and disappointment.

It seemed as Amber's family loved Maria too. They definitely seemed to admire the woman (especially because she was choosing to raise a child). Despite their longing stares at her bump, they seemed like a dream.

Amber did mention how her mother had multiple miscarriages before giving birth to her and her younger siblings. Maria couldn't imagine experiencing that type of devastation. Maria's hands instantly shot out to hold her stomach when she heard the news.

"They're something—that's for sure." Amber laughed reaching over to pull her youngest sibling onto her lap. She blew a raspberry on her cheek, before returning back to the card game the two were playing.

BEFORE MARIA KNEW IT, she was right back at the airport. The break was refreshing (despite the issue during Thanksgiving) and well needed. She knew as soon as she was back at school, she would have to go back and start preparation for finals. It was the last leg of her first semester and there was no way she was going to settle with anything except the best.

Mario's hand slipped around her shoulders, pulling her flush against him as they stood at the gate. The two waved off at Amber's family, turning to give Amber a final moment with them.

Maria couldn't help but wish her family showed up to the airport to say bye. Even before Maria left for Amber's, her parents still acted as nothing was wrong—and that Mario didn't exist.

Talk about good first impressions.

Mario seemed to notice the change in Maria's demeanor and he sympathized with it. He wished they were together under different circumstances too, but that didn't mean he'd change it for anything. Mario felt excited to know that he was going to be a dad—knowing whatever the gender of the baby was going be, he's spoil them rotten.

He already expected his parents and family to be more than shocked about the whole thing, but he knew they would easily accept them.

"Do you want to go grab breakfast?" Maria asked looking up at him. It would always amuse them—how their height difference was so big. Mario eagerly nodded obviously starving. The two glanced back at Amber to let her know they were going nearby to grab something and then they were off.

While walking the two kept bumping back and forth, swinging their hips and nudging each other while laughing. Mario adored their relationship. Something that made Maria so different from his ex, Angelica, was the fact that he didn't have to pretend to be someone else.

He was allowed to be as annoying and clingy as he wanted because Maria was the same way.

That was the most refreshing thing about their relationship.

"Breakfast or lunch?" Mario glanced down at a nearby menu, seeing how it was still pretty early many places were selling breakfast.

"Breakfast duh," He replied giving Maria a incredulous stare. She giggled walking to the hostess to ask for a table for three. Mario couldn't help but admire Maria. Even in old sweats and frizzy hair, she was beyond beautiful. Maria waved him over as the hostess had seated them.

The two barely had the chance to order drinks when Amber came running by. It was evident that the girl had an emotional goodbye with her family, as her cheeks and eyes were a bright red—but Mario kept it to himself. Maria moves over in her booth seat, allowing Amber to sit besides her.

"NOW BOARDING FLIGHT 343, one way to California." A loud intercom voice went off catching Maria's attention. She quickly handed the small checkbook back to the waitress, happily telling her to 'keep the change' before sprinting off to meet her friends. Thankfully Mario brought her suitcase along rather than leaving it at the table. The three walked through the small airport, quickly coming along the terminal.

Surprisingly, the airport wasn't as big as Maria remembered it was. Granted, other than the time she left for school, she hadn't been on a plane. The three got comfortable in their spot in line—now just patiently waiting as the employees worked on checking everyone's tickets.

Maria found herself getting lost in her thoughts (all about what movie to watch on the ride and whether she should order one of those continental snacks) when Mario caught her attention. He pointed behind them causing Maria to turn around.

Down the hall she could easily spot her brother sprinting towards them. Wrapped in his arms was a dark backpack. She frowned as she noticed his face was red and that his eyes were glossy.

Quickly she stepped out of line and met him halfway. Maria instantly wrapped her arms around him, pulling him down towards her for a tight hug. Carlos sobbed, his body shaking violently against her own. When she pulled back she placed her hands on his face, trying to scan for any injuries.

He wouldn't have come to the airport if something serious didn't happen.

"What's wrong? Que tal?" Maria rubbed his cheek lightly. Carlos took a shakey breathe and whispered.

"I can't do it anymore."

"Do what?" She whispered back, incredibly confused with what was going on.

"I hate being home without you Maria. Things are so different." Carlos admitted, his cheeks turning red with embarrassment. After practically being raised by Maria, for her to up and leave for school left him lonely. "Let me stay with you for a few days please?"

"Guys, we have to hurry if we're going to make our flight." Amber just had to interrupt them. As much as she loved Maria, she wasn't really keen on missing their flight.

"Please Maria," Carlos begged holding onto her forearms.


Sorry for the long awaited chapter update. I know my original plan was to make this a short story, but due to the crazy amount of support this will be a longer story (hence why I'm stirring up drama within Maria's family).

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