Chapter One

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oh, girls just wanna have fun

MARIA GROANED SEEING the bright light shine through her blinds. She tugged her heavy duvet up and over her head, wishing for a few more hours of sleep. Her head was pounding from a hangover, a very bad one at it. She shivered feeling her legs peak out from the opposite end of the covers.

She should have known going to party last night would've been a bad idea. She was feeling so miserable from the past few days, that spending the whole night drinking and dancing seemed like a good pick-me-up. But now, she was deeply regretting it.

Turning over in her small bed, she was met with a warm, bare back. Her eyes shot open in disbelief. Maria instantly sat up realizing there was someone in her bed, naked. She covered her mouth to prevent herself from screaming and scaring him. Looking around, Maria realized this wasn't her room, either. She face palmed and cursed under her breathe.

Maria was going to kill Amber when she found her. She made her roommate promise to stay with her all night, and obviously that plan fell through. Slowly she climbed out of his bed, careful not to wake up. She stumbled around the room, her back and legs aching. Maria flushes, this wasn't going to plan at all. To think that after her ex-boyfriend broke up with her, and that she swore off boys—she'd wake up in a stranger's bed less than 48 hours later.

His room was nice. It was surprisingly tidy, and well decorated. Maria noticed a couple of posters and pictures hanging along the wall. Walking towards his desk, she saw he had some papers left out. Mario Martinez, she wanted to laugh—their names were so close. She glanced back at him, thankfully he was still knocked out and softly snoring. Maria has to admit, he was handsome. He unmistakably shared a lot of physical characteristics with her: an olive complexion, dark brown hair.

She just hoped he wasn't a two-timing dick.

It didn't take her long to find her undergarments, and quickly she slipped them on. Unsure with the location of her jeans, she grabs (what she assumes to be) a pair of his sweats. As she struggled putting them on, the floor boards beneath her creaked. She watched in fear as he turned over in the bed again. The last thing Maria wanted was for him to wake up and catch her stealing his clothes. She let out a sigh of relief hearing him fall back asleep.

As Mario shuffled in his sleep, his duvet slowly slide down. Maria couldn't help but glance a little too long at his toned chest. She really wished she could remember last—for more than one reason.

While she was distracted, she failed to notice that the man woke up. Mario blinked a few times, trying to adjust to the bright light. He knew he should've have brought extra curtains like his mom said. With an amused smile, he cleared his throat noticing the gawking Maria.

"Mornin'," He said voice still groggy. Maria jumped realizing she was caught. She blushed and wrapped an arm around her bare torso.

"Morning..." She replies back, not meeting his eyes.

"Maria right?" Now, he was sitting up propped on his elbows. "Leaving already?" He teased noticing his sweatpants polling around her ankles. Mario didn't remember her being that short. Maria nodded, all embarrassed.

"I have a night class tonight. I should get back to my dorm and shower and stuff."

"A class on a Saturday?" Mario tossed the covers off and got off his bed, quickly grabbing a fresh pair of boxers from his laundry bag. Maria instantly shut her eyes, not wanting to stare.

"Uh—yeah. Double majoring so I'm trying to get as much done this year." Maria admitted. Her life long dream was to be the first female, Hispanic president—but she would settle for maybe Mayor or Governor of her home state or town.

"You're gonna burn yourself out," Mario chuckled, now looking for a shirt to wear. Maria scoffed, feeling insulted that he didn't believe in her.

She felt ridiculous that she cared so much about some strange guy she had a one night stand with, but there was no way

"Remember that when you see me as a Presidential candidate." Maria smirked turning away and looking for her shirt also.

"Maria Vega for president? I'll keep it in mind." They stood silent as Maria finished getting ready. She glanced at herself in his long-door mirror and sighed. Her curly hair was a mess, and her mascara left some extra dark circles on her under eyes. "Let me take you out to breakfast Mrs. Future-President, just know I demand you to implement a holiday in my honor." Mario appeared behind her in the mirror.

He was almost a head taller than her, which they both found amusing.

"Tempting, but I'm pretty sure most one-night stands last only one night." She turned around to face.

"Well, I think if this was a one-time thing, you would be gone already?"

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