The 7 Year Endearment.

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The 7 Year Endearment.

This 17 year old girl was head over heels for one boy throughout her high school years. She would adoringly watch him play basketball with his fellow mates, she'll watch him chew on his lower lip in concentration when Mr. Phillips would instruct to work on a math sum and see him play with his light brown hair when he'd be nervous about something, sighing if only she could touch them.

No, they never talked. Of course, they knew each other since fourth grade when Jason had joined Lakeside High, but remained acquaintances throughout.

It was junior year, when her friends pushed her towards Jason who was casually sitting with his friends in the cafeteria and when he saw Eleanor being dragged towards him from the corner of his light brown eyes, he couldn't help but look in her direction.

Now you'd expect a guy to be cocky when a girl professes her undying love for him in front of the whole cafeteria, who was watching the scene unwrap in silence.

But Jason did the exact opposite.

He insulted her and told her to get lost.


Cover by: arodynamics I AM IN LOVE WITH THE COVER! It's so good! 🥺❤️

Hey guyyyyysss! I am so greatful that you guys happened to come across my book and decided to give it a quick read. *wipes happy tears*

Also, do give feedbacks about this book, as your opinions count a lot. :)

And I am going to make this book as non cliché as possible, because no matter how much of a hopeless romantic I am, I am sick of reading clichés. But I assure you guys a happy ending, because I don't want my characters love life to be as non- existent at mine.

I hope you won't regret reading my book. ;)

The 7 Year Endearment. √Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon