You're Sick

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 When you are sick Dean does everything for you. He cooks, cleans, and feeds you. Its one of his best traits of him, the love and kindness. Even though he can be hot headed, he is amazingly lovely.


 He cuddles with you. He just lays there with you to make you feel better.


 He tries to heal youwith his angelic powers but you tell him no because you want some things to stay humanlly nomal.


Should send his demons to fetch everything for you anything he needed help you. It was adorable and amazing and sweet of him.


He'd send you through a loop of beautiful wonderful things in your mind forget about the world and your sickness to spend the whole day with him in your head. It sounds kind of weird but it's beautiful


He asks if his  beautiful rose welting but you can reply is no that you're just catching a sad case of the rain.


Even though you're sick he'd pick you up and hold you in his arms and dance like the first time you met at a party.

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