Long Time No See

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"Thanks for stopping by The Grounds!" I said for the millionth time today. I swear I lead the most uneventful life. Every day is the same. Wake up, go to college, come straight to work, go home, sleep, wake up, do it all again. That is, except for weekends. Friday and Saturday, I sing at a bar that my uncle owns. That's all I have to look forward to.

I heard the doorbell ring and sighed. My shift just ended, so this was my last customer. "Hi! Welcome to The Grounds! I'm Cassie, how can I help you?" I recited with a smile.

"I'll take....hmm. There's so many! I'll just go with your favorite. Yeah! One salted caramel mocha latte, please." I nodded and went to make it, then realized what he had said. How did he know the salted caramel latte was my favorite??

I turned to look back at him, only to be met with a face I never thought I'd see again. "Hunter?" I asked in disbelief.

"That's me." He said, shooting me one of his signature smirks. I stared at him over the counter. I didn't think I'd ever see him again after--- no. I can't think about it.

He looked different, in a very, very good way. Apparently he had ditched the ripped jeans and boots for skinny jeans and converse, which was a good look for him. His hair wasn't short and spiked like it used to be, but longer and perfectly coiffed. He's apparently been working out since I last saw him. HOLY BICEPS. He was a whole new Hunter, except for the ocean blue eyes and adorable face.

He chuckled, "Ah, Cass. Still haven't learned to keep your thoughts in your head, I see. Now if you're done checking me out, I'd really like a coffee." He said with a wink. I blushed. "I'd watch it, Hayes. My shift ended three minutes ago, so technically, the shop is closed. I don't actually HAVE to make you coffee." I said, with a smirk, and he faked a hurt expression.

"Here you go Hayes. One salted caramel mocha latte."

"Thanks, Cass. Hope I see you around."

"Bye, Hayes."

And with that, he was out of my life. Again. I grabbed my bag and flipped the sign on the door to closed, before starting my walk home.

It gave me time to think, and time to remember, which wasn't a good thing.


September 10, 2007

"Happy day after your birthday, Hunter!" My brother Cody yelled as Hunter jumped in the back seat of his old Chevy pick up. "Thanks, man." Hunter said as he buckled his seat belt.

"Oh CASSSSS!!!" Hunter sings, and I start laughing. Every time we saw each other, he'd make up a different song about me. "You have a really nice a-" "DON'T YOU DARE!" Cody yells before he can sing the next part, and I just sat in the back, dying of laughter and blushing like crazy.

"What? It rhymed." He said, and once my brother wasn't paying attention anymore, leaned over and whispered, "And it was true." Again, my cheeks were a bright red.

We kept talking and laughing, having a great Friday night, just like we always did. We approached a four way intersection, and thankfully the light on our side was green. We drove through, and I heard, "LOOK OUT!" before Hunter pulled me towards him. Just like that, a semi crashed into the driver's side of the truck.

He pulled out a pocket knife and cut my seat belt strap, before climbing out and helping me do the same. He climbed back in to try and help my brother, and after about five minutes, police and ambulances showed up.

Just as they did, Hunter climbed out of the truck, covered in blood, and looking lost. He walked toward me, not saying a word, before engulfing me on a huge hug. We both started crying. "He's gone." He sobbed, "I watched him go. He's gone, Cassidy."

That sent me into an even bigger fit of tears. Gone. Forever. My big brother, the only person who ever cared, gone, just like that. I would have been too if Hunter wouldn't have pulled me to the passenger side with him.

We stood by and watched in horror as they pulled Cody's lifeless body out of the heap of metal that was once a truck. He was covered in blood, and mangled beyond belief. I couldn't take that sight. I fainted.

I kept my head down and walked as fast as I could to my apartment door, trying to hold back the tears. Once the door shut behind me, I let out a loud sob, the another, and another.

I threw myself onto the couch as I felt my heart, which I thought I had mended, crack and crumble once again.

I was doing so good! it had been four months since I had been this way! but I couldn't stay happy for just a little bit longer, could I? Hunter just HAD to waltz in to the coffee shop and remind me of all that pain, drag up all the feelings I thought I had long forgotten and left in Louisiana.

Why? Why can't I just forget?

A/N: HAY THERE PERSONS AND WELCOME TO AUDRI'S NEW STORYYYYYY!!!!!! I'm stoked for this one, guys. STOKED I SAY. *happy dances in a retarded way* hehe, that rhymed.

Song to the side, which I'll be doing on each chapter. This week's is an awesome song by the one, the only, BLAKE SHELTON! It's about lights. That are apparently neon.

So, Y'all know what to do!

Vote, comment, follow, AND HUG YO MAMA! or dad, or second cousin twice removed, a giraffe, whatever. Hug someone. KAY?!?!?

-Audri <3

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