chapter fourteen ❁

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chapter fourteen: my knight in shinning armor

I follow James as he takes me away from the main building and away from John. A sharp exhale leaves our mouths as we manage withdraw from his office. It was a major relief at this point. I could finally breathe again and not worry about being murdered alive by John.

"So," I question James.


"Why did you do that, back there? I thought you hated me."

We walk down the beaten, dirt path, near the dining hall. James's shoes skid on the rocks and he kicks a small rock toward my direction. I kick the rock back to him and we keep kicking the rock back and fourth. I finally give up after a little while, once James kicks the rock beyond my reach and it rolls into a small area of grass.

James startles me when he chuckles, "Lars, was being an annoying little shit. I would have felt awful leaving you in John's office to fend for yourself. Trust me, I have been in that situation before. Nobody makes it out alive."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, a few years ago, when I was a pre-teen." James stops talking and rubs his forehead. An exasperated sigh leaves his lips, "I was a little bit of a trouble maker."

Wow, go figure.

"I was a little asshole, basically." James adds.

I crack a smile at his remark, "One night, I decided to ditch my cabin at midnight and sneak into my girlfriends cabin."

"Oh no." I gasp.

"Oh yes, anyway, I was crawling through my girlfriends window, to get inside her bunk. Well, I thought it was her window, but I was off by one. So, I crawled through the wrong window and landed on a different girl. The girl started hysterically screaming, which then woke up the entire cabin. Needless to say, she accused me of trying to rape her and the counselor called John."

I couldn't believe my ears. It almost didn't sound real, but the look on James' face, proved that he was being serious.

"After being caught, John kicked me out of Rosewood. But, lucky for him, I still love this camp and he still hasn't noticed I still come back every year." James gives me a shit eating grin.

I cross my arms, "No way, then how doesn't he recognize you or remember your name?"

"Well, I change my hair and name every year. This year I'm Jimmy, last year, I was Jason."

As Jason left his mouth, I suddenly remember, I haven't seen Jason much this summer. Not gonna lie, I miss his smart remarks and jokes-also the sound of the familiar wheeze in his giggle. I have been so caught up in Kirk and other things around here, Jason completely left my mind.

"Well, Jimmy." I hold my hand out, "Nice to meet you, I'm Lelia."

"Hello, Lelia, I'm Jimmy."

James and I shake hands and giggle after the release.

"You don't have to call me, Jimmy. Just call me that if we are in the dinning hall, or near John."

I click my tongue, "You got it, J."

James and I briefly talk on the way back to our cabins. He tells me about his home life and what it was like loosing his mom. My heart ached when he mentioned the stories about her and what his life was like, before she died. Once I got to know him, he was a very sweet individual with a rough shell. But, with a very soft emotions.

We approach his cabin, and I can hear the rough housing and shattering of glass inside his cabin. Even from outside, I could hear the blaring of Alice Cooper and the screams of teenage boys, resonate through the camp.

𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐏 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐖𝐎𝐎𝐃 {𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐀}Where stories live. Discover now