chapter one ❁

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chapter one: camp rosewood

"Mom, do I really have to go?"

"Yes Lelia, for the eighth time, you are going."

Now why would a seventeen year old, want to spend her entire summer vacation locked inside a summer camp, when she has her guitar, stereo and cozy bed back home?! 

"Now please tell me why I am going to this dumb ass camp?" I ask as I begin to pull my Walkman from my duffel bag.

"Well, your father and I are spending our anniversary on a cruise to Mexico! We thought it would be a little odd to bring you along." She turns her head from the passenger seat, flashing me half a smile.

"We decided it would be best for you to spend the summer in camp!" Dad pipes from the drivers seat.

"This is the perfect opportunity for you to take break from all that music you listen to. Oh, what was it?" He snaps his fingers and pinches his eyes trying to place a name.

"Heavy, uh what was it? Heavy-"

"Blues?" Mom tries to guess.

"No, mom."


I scoff, "Yeah mom, there is totally a genre of music called Heavy Reggae."

"Oh gosh, I just can't remember the name!" Dad says, before he blurts out every single type of music genre out there.

I honestly found it quite amusing to hear him get frustrated at trying to name a genre of music.

"Heavy punk?" He asks.


"Heavy blues?"


"Heavy classical?!"

You have got to be kidding me.

I stop him, "Metal dad, it's called Heavy Metal."

"That's right! Heavy metal! Yeah that, you definitely deserve a break from that kinda stuff. I don't know how you aren't deaf from all those unruly sounds actually."

"Oh, you mean that loud garbage that Lelia plays on her stereo till almost four in the morning?" Mom asks.

"That's it, it is just nonsense lyrics filled with unnecessary guitar solos that are highly irritable."

Oh god, here comes out the heavy Catholic in my dad.

"I just don't understand it actually, you can't understand a single word that is said! It sounds like the kind of music that a satanist would listen to. Don't even get me started on those bands you idolize, Lelia. Black Sabbath shouldn't be preaching to my daughter their opinions about-"

I interrupt, unable to take the madness any longer, "So you're calling your own daughter a satanist?" I challenge.

Mom slaps his arm in order to keep him quiet, "No he isn't, Lelia."

I fold my arms and recline in my seat, "Sounds like he is to me."

"I said what I said." Dad cuts me off, "Heavy metal should not even be considered mu-"

"Okay, I fucking get it!" I scream, "If I have to listen to your ranting one more time, I will jump out of this moving car."

"Lelia, hush, please don't upset your father. He is already stressed enough." Mom quietly hushes, while trying to simmer the conversation.

What could he be possibly be stressed about? Being stuck on a boat with you for an entire summer?I'd rather be in a summer camp then be on a cruise ship with my mother.

I clench my jaw and do not continue with the conversation any further. I think it is the best for him anyway, he probably doesn't want me to strangle him for saying that metal is bad.

Before I could put on my headphones, Mom was searching on the radio for her Christian music station. I shiver, listening to what sounds like small prepubescent children sing about how Jesus Christ is our lord and savior.


I slip on my headphones and slowly drift into a state of calmness and tranquility while listening to Killers by Iron Maiden.

The camp wasn't that far from home actually, an hour and fifteen minutes at the most. Once you're off the freeway, it isn't long before you are engulfed in the forest trees, and away from the busy roads.

I close my eyes, and mentally prepare myself for how this summer might go down:

Will I find a cute boy and fall in love?

Maybe I'll be stuck in a cabin with bitchy girls, who will ignore me for the whole summer?

I could fake being sick and leave early?

No, no, that will just give my parents more of a reason to blame music on why I'm leaving camp early.

I can already hear my dad's voice in my head:

"Is that gosh darn heavy metal music finally getting into your brain? I told your mother it would make you sick!"

I shake my head and riddle all of those thoughts from my head, before I go mentally insane.

"We are here!" Mom screeches and points up to the entrance of the camp.

I looked through the window seeing the giant entrance of the camp. Above our heads was a giant iron entrance sign that read Camp Rosewood.

We drove under the iron gateway and followed the line of cars leading to the very front of the camp.

Surrounding the forest on the left side were tall, luscious, golden, hills that sparkled in the sunlight. The brush would ever so gently sway from side to side, when the wind would come through. On the right side of the camp, a massive forest with very tall pine trees trees and thick bushes, greeted us as we arrived.

I hate to say it, but this camp was beautiful, on the left side you have something gorgeous like the beautiful golden hills that made you feel warm and comforted. But on the other side you have something dark and mysterious, which was the forest. Both places made me want to explore them, the second I arrived to Camp Rosewood.

"Well, I guess this is it." Mom says tearfully.

She sniffles and reaches from the front seat to give me a hug. "Oh I will miss my little girl!" She sobs, and wipes her nose with a tissue.

"Okay Mom, I love you too." I manage to say, while pulling her arms off from around me.

She reclines back in her seat and her breathing slows down.


"Lelia." He mocks

"Goodbye." I say without giving a hug.


I grab my duffel bag from next to me and leave, trying to avoid any other awkward situations.

I step out of the car and slam the door, I take a deep breath and begin my way into camp.

𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐏 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐖𝐎𝐎𝐃 {𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐀}Where stories live. Discover now