chapter twenty eight❁

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chapter twenty eight: not the one

"Welcome, to your new home." James says as he drops the cardboard box on the ground, landing with a harsh thud. Dust flies up from underneath the box. I hear the door slam shut behind me and the flick of the light switch reveals the room that changed my life. It was the abandoned cabin I got my make over in so long ago. I could still almost smell the dye that Erin used in my hair. Oddly comforting but painful memories come back. I hadn't told Erin what James told me. Nor did I tell her that I was moving out of our cabin too. After I fell asleep by the fire. I awoke to James gently shaking my shoulder. He told me we should leave the campsite before the rest of the guys wake up, especially Kirk. Calmly and quietly, we packed up our things and left. We left before the sun was up, so it had to of been around six in the morning. James escorted me to my cabin where he helped me pack all of my things. Before any of the other girls were awake, I managed to clean out my entire bunk, which included all my bedding.

But being back at the abandoned cabin felt safer. It was on the outskirts of the rest of the cabins, but it was still on camp property, which was what I wanted.

"Stay here for as long as you need." James says as he pulls open the blinds.

I make my way around the room, looking out each of the windows to see what I had working with. Even making sure that the bathroom still had running water. As long as I had a bathroom and a place for me to lay my head at night. That was all that mattered. Everything seemed perfect at this point, but something wasn't right.

It was dirty!

I already felt my nose getting stuffy from the amount of dust I had inhaled. The wallpaper had a slight discoloration, the all white walls had a strange brown tint over it. Which to my assumption was residue from how much weed and cigarettes were smoked in this room, most likely with no windows open to air out the smell and smoke. There was no way I would be living in a place like this. Especially when I have the abilities to fix it.

"What's up?" James asks which snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Hm?" I quip, almost embarrassed.

"The look on your face tells me something is wrong."

"Do you know where I could get any cleaning supplies? This place is filthy-" I want to say more, but remember that James loved this place and is letting me stay here out of the goodness from his heart. I don't want to disrespect a place like this that has a lot of meaning to him.

"In the dining hall. The janitor has a closet where he keeps all of his supplies."

"Sounds like a plan, let's go." I announce, already heading for the door.

"Hold it, wait a minute." James says.

"What's the problem?"

"Everyone is in the dining hall right now about to eat breakfast. I know your roommates had to have seen you missing by now. If you walk in there right now and try and get into the closet. Everyone will see you. Do you really want to draw that kind of attention to yourself right now?"

"You're right, we just need a distraction." I begin to pace back and fourth, trying to think of the best plan to distract people from seeing me raid the janitorial closet.

I tip toe up the creaky steps leading to the back doors of the dining hall. With my finger, I pull open the back door and it creaks, I panic and let it close. This was my only point of entry, the only other doors are the main doors of the dining hall and everybody would see me. But I had no choice, I had to commit and go through this way. With slight hesitation, I gently pull on the handle and slide my way inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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