12- Pentecost

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Author's Note: The art for this chapter is by Startistdoodles on Tumblr.


"And all who believed were together and had all things in common." – Acts 2:44


So. Much. For. Sacrifice.

His own confession was summoned from the past, a demon he no longer desired to do his will. A lot had changed since he said his first words to her, since Bendy left her in his custody.

As she stood before him now, devoured by her heartache and struggles, for a breath he could do nothing but purse his lips and sigh in his own agony. For the first time since she arrived, he thought he understood. But since it had taken so long to, it had come to this- to her possibly irreversible distrust and ferocity. And maybe he could not yet fully comprehend it, but now he began to scratch off the mystery encapsulating her strange behavior.

She was scared. She was scared of...him. After all, he was the first being to find her here...and he welcomed her presence by dragging and entrapping her with not even a second of delay. And unlike him, she just continued to wither and wither with each horror; she had no respite, no healing, no rest.

She was a bird with a broken wing that would squawk and peck viciously because the very hand she needed was the one that had harmed her.

He prayed that Bendy would forgive him. He prayed that he could undo the ever-tightening, strangling knots in what tied she and him together.

Sammy had to start his penance now, while there was still time- before he would be sentenced for the evils he committed. There was much more to say, but here was a beginning:

"I'm sorry."


Every part of her seemed to melt in disbelief. They were words that...contradicted him- him as the person he had solidified himself to be in her journey.

Sorry? He was...sorry?

No. No. He was trying to lull her back into his ruse.

"I...I don't..." Her brow furrowed so hard that her eyes closed, and yet she could still see the glistening man in her mind. "I don't believe you."


Her shoulders stiffened into her chest and she clenched her fists tighter. She wouldn't look. She shouldn't.

"You...you speak only the truth about how I have harmed you."

Oh, how quickly did her commitment fade as she looked upon him again, her eyes beholding those of his mask- those flat spots of paint that seemed to look back.

"I know I need to atone for my sins before it's too late."

A slight, high pitch sound stirred in her throat as her lids stretched wide at this ominous promise. No- no, he couldn't think he can trick her this easy! She wouldn't let him do whatever he had planned!

"Sammy- Sammy, I-!..." And yet she had no more words. He took another step.

"There's things you don't understand- don't believe about this place. I've taken that for granted. I've taken you for granted."

Somehow her expression of shock could only keep growing beyond what seemed to be its limit.

"I've taken my lord and his mercy for granted."

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