Your life

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~Please keep in mind that I using this to practice writing and if any Grammer mistake is there then correct me. Also, please note that the reader may speak weirdly because of practice of certain grammar that I struggle with.  Comment what you think could be done differently for choices, but do not forget other people reading may be different so please do not criticise what they might have done. Lastly this will not be love at first sight because of my belief of that there is no such thing. ~

《Y/N pov》
Papers, work, and research online, all needed to ensure this move will be safe.  I need a break, but those stinken toys never take one.   Why is this the reason for witches and hybrids to go crazy and get more evolved in this stupid war.
What time is it?  5:27 a.m. wow. Make this 5 all-nighter of the week.  Probably should take my medicine before it is too late.

Closing my laptop, I go to the kitchen to find where I last put the medicine.

Not in the cabinet, not on the counter, not in the drawer, and not in microwave.  Where did I put them.... Wait please don't be the freezer I know I have have bad memory and sence of where things are but this is ridiculous. 
Nope, it's in the fridge. Oh there is my back up meds too. I probably should move them.

Taking the medicine out of the fridge and putting the back up medicines in the cabinet, I swallow benadryl, ranitidine, cetirizine, and few others.

Now let's get down to business to defeat the huns....
I need to get a life. Let's update sist-i mean ash about current situation and I need to get use to non-bionary thing still.

I call ash using my phone to wait for them to pick up.

"Hey ash."
"So what are waking me up now."
"Well first it is that I am moving again.  Also, sorry about last time I was completely unaware of lot of things at the time."
"Alright, wait does this mean you still trying to undo all to see cursed items. Seriously, stop you are not fit to do this, you have no magic. You can only sense spirits and see aromas.   You do not have to involved in this war you know that."
" I do know that, but think what future generations are going to turn out like from of those toys or this silly war."
"Okay. I am just worried for your health, you are worse than me.  Please at least let your friend help, you can't do this alone."
"Alright,  I will"

Ash, you have no idea he is dead now. Probably good reason to watch over his daughter while I am there.

Kid please don't get involved like he did.  He just wanted to help fix his uncle's mistakes.

~Yes, I do have theory that Yumi's grandfather is the creators brother of so form of family or friend that was shut out by the creator. So I'm using the brother one to give more reasonable explanation to why Paris was in the basement.
And I don't double check grammar and this first one I just want to get out so there is more wonderful stories of lovely Paris. ~


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