Olivia and Connor Bateson's House

5:17, 2 hours and 43 minutes till the party.

I arrive home with minutes to spare before all my friends arrive to help decorate and get the food prepared. I then jog up to my room on the third floor, the only room on the third floor that is, and dash into my bathroom to refix my hair and touch up my make up before they arrive. I quickly grab my Freeze it! hair spray and bend over and spray my hair. Once it was sprayed I flip it back over and start scrunching it until my hazel colored hair is once again to its curly self. I then grab my black eye liner and line out my solid forest green eyes until they pop. I touch up my gray eye shadow on my eye lids and put light blue on the crease. Last, I add extra mascara and once I'm done I stare at myself in the mirror. I then take a few deep breathes, and head downstairs.

I walk into the kitchen and find my brother, Connor, perched up on the bar eating Frosted Flakes out of the box. "What's up, little sis?" he says with flake crumbs dropping out of his mouth and onto the floor. "Connor! Your making a mess! The party starts in less than three hours." I tell him. Connor then lets out a laugh and corn flakes shoot out of his mouth and into my hair "Wait, the party is here?" he says with grin. "Ugh, yes Connor." I groan while picking cereal out of my hair.

At that moment I hear the front door swing open. I then turn around to see Ryan running towards me, and seconds later I am midair being spun around. "Hey, Ryan!" I laugh as he sits me down from the cradle position. "Hey, Livs. Hey, Connor! When did you get back?" he asks shaking Connor's hand. "This morning." answers Connor, while hopping off the counter. Connor then closes the box of Frosted Flakes and puts it back in the cabinet. "I'm gonna go shower off, but let me know if you need any help setting up. Alright, Livi?" he says and gives me a hug. "Okay, thanks Connor." I say returning the hug. "I missed you, sis. Its good to be back. I'll see you all in a while." he says while jogging up the steps. "Are you staying for the party, Connor?" shouts Ryan. "Wouldn't miss it!" shouts Connor from up stairs.

"So, where's Amanda, Rachel, and Elise?" I ask, looking at the door.

"Getting the wood." he states plainly.

"Ryan! Why aren't you helping them?" he scold.

"They got all feminist on me and said they could do it their selves and I said alright and came in." he says with a smirk.

"Go out there and help them, you big dope!" I say shoving him towards the door.

"Alright, alright! I was gonna help them anyways." he says and walks out the door.

I follow Ryan outside to my driveway to see Amanda, Rachel, and Elise struggling to carry too many logs at a time. "Guys, put the wood down. I'll just show Ryan where the wheelbarrow is." I say to them and they immediately drop the wood on the driveway. "Well, so much for your feminists." I mutter to Ryan. "Just tell me where its at, and I'll just pack the wood down to the beach." he says. "In the basement." I say and Ryan takes off towards the backyard.

"You ready to party, Livi?!" asks Amanda excitedly.

"Well, I will be. With your alls help." I say with a smile.

"Okay, well, where's Sarah?" points out Rachel.

"I seen her car at Island Pacific." says Amanda. Out of nowhere I hear a cell phone ring.

"Hello?" answers Amanda, after digging her phone out of her purse.

We all stand there and watch Amanda as she talks. After about a minute, she hangs up. "That was Cori. Her and Caleb are on their way." she tells us.

Finally, after everyone had arrived, including Sarah, we got to work. Decorating the living room, kitchen, and foyer. We all set up nice display of food on the bar in the kitchen, and then headed down to the beach to help Ryan with the bonfire.

As expected Sarah clung onto Connor the entire time we decorated, making comments like: "Connor, can you hold me steady while I hang up the streamers?" or "Connor, come with me to get the marshmallows." Also, as expected, Connor loved every minute of it.

The beach behind Olivia and Connor's house.

9:15, The Bonfire.

Sarah Westen's POV

From where I'm seated around the bonfire, I can see Connor's gorgeous face whenever the roaring fire permits. The fire gives off he illusion that he is glowing. I wish I had the nerve to actually tell him how I feel. I have liked Connor from the first time I met him, the day I first spent the night at Livi's. I wish he knew. My luck is Olivia has already told him, but he just doesn't feel the same way. With that thought, I lay back on the blanket I have laid out for my best friend, Rachel Ellis, and I to lay on. I then sigh out sadly. Rachel then looks at me and furrows her eyebrows.

"What's matter Sera?" Rachel asks.

"Connor, of coarse. I don't think he likes me, Rae." I say with a frown.

"Are you crazy, Sarah?" Rae's using my real name and she only uses that when she's being serious. "How could he not like you? Your beautiful." she says.

"Well you think so... But does Connor?" I ask.

"I would bet anything that he thinks your beautiful. But you have to realize that he's a guy, and guys are girl dumb majority of the time. You know chances are he likes you but doesn't think you like him." says Rachel.

"Well if he actually thinks that, then he must be girl dumb. Every time I see him, I flirt like crazy, but it never seems to get me anywhere." I say with a huff.

"Have you ever thought about flat out telling him how you feel?" she asks.

"Yes, a thousand times. I can never get the words out though." I say.

"Well, maybe you should do it." she says with a smile. "Tonight."

"Are you crazy, Rae?" I ask with my eyes bugged out and my heart picking up speed.

"Yes. I am. You should do it. If you don't I think Livi will do it for you. Your driving her crazy with your Connor talk 24/7." she says.

"Okay, well... I'll try, if I don't chicken out." I say and rise from the blanket.

"Good luck, Sera!" whisper shouts Rae. I then look back and she gives me a wink of encouragement.

I try my best not to make eye contact with anyone I'm passing on my way over to Connor. I can feel heat rising to my cheeks and I feel as if they all know what I am about to do. Which they might, if they overheard.

When I reach where Connor is sitting he immediately notices me and smiles, making my stomach do a little flip. "Hey, Sarah." he says. "Hey, Connor. Can I talk to you?" I ask, feeling my face getting even hotter. "Sure, lets go for a walk." he says, while rising for his chair. I then take a deep breath and start walking beside him. I give one last look at Rae, and she gives me a huge smile, and holds both of her thumbs up. I then continue walking with Connor through the sand, and thinking to myself, will I be able to tell him this time?

A/N: Soooo what did you think? I hope you enjoyed it! :) Comment/Vote/Fan!! Thanks for reading! Oh and if you all got confused, there are two Rachels in this. Rachel Montgomery from "California Dreaming?...Or not.." and Rachel Ellis, the one who is referred to as Rae.-Kelly

California Roads - To Be Editedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें