Tori takes a long time to get the X-rays. It sort of makes me nervous. What if there is something seriously wrong with my lungs? After thinking this the pain area in my chest throbs a little. This only makes me even more paranoid. Then Tori comes back into the room.

"Is there something wrong with my lungs?" I ask her.

She hands me the X-rays and begins explaining what everything is.

"So where is the problem?" I ask.

"Where is the pain in your chest?" Tori asks me.

I make a circle right in the middle of my chest.

"Here is where you are pointing." She says gesturing to the X-ray.

"What's wrong with it?" I ask.

"Absolutely nothing." Tori tells me.

This takes me by surprise.

"Then what is happening with my chest? Why is it hurting so much?" I ask.

"I have a theory. It's called ghost pain."

"Give me real answers Tori." I say sort of annoyed.

"No. Ghost pain is where the brain convinces the body it hurts. It can feel real but it's not. I'm sorry but I can't do anything." Tori told me.


"How do you get rid of Ghost pain?" I ponder.

"First you have to eliminate the cause."

"I thought my brain was the cause."

"No there is some other factor in this equation that is causing your brain to create this false pain."

"Okay, so what is it?"

"The most common causes are stress and a very strong emotion." Tori tells me.

I don't know what to say to be honest.

"I'll let you figure it out. In the meantime I'm going to see if painkillers will do anything against it." She informs me.

She goes off to find the painkillers while I ponder about what the cause could possibly be. I haven't been under too much stress in the past few days so that is unlikely. But a strong emotion? What emotion could I be feeling strongly? I am so confused and hurting right now. ---|

Tori gives me the painkillers and I don't really expect them to work. I use my crutches to get out of the hospital. I'm not sure of where I am going but I wander anyway. While going down a deserted hallway I hear a little sound. I stop.

I hear it again a little louder. I try to determine where it is coming from. I hobble until the sound gets louder and louder and before long I am in front of an elevator and the sound was a cry for help.

"Help!" This time it's a feminine voice yelling.

"Hey! I'm here. I'm going to call security and they will help get you out." I yell through the elevator.

"Oh thank the stars." A masculine voice sighs.

I pull out my com.

"There are people stuck in the elevator. They need help right away." I say into the com.

"I'm sorry but we can't be there for another thirty minutes due to the lack of people." Security tells me.

"They can't be there for another thirty minutes so just sit tight for a little while." I tell them. They both slump to the floor. You can tell by the sound. We sit there for a few minutes but then I hear a high pitched screeching and screams.

"What's happening!" I yell to them.

"I think the elevator is slipping!" The feminine voice yells in panic.

"Oh my stars! I'll call them again!"

I pull out my com once again and com the security desk.

"The elevator is slipping you trot so get people down here or you will be responsible for the death of two young people." I yell.

"I'll try to get a few people here." He said now scared.

They are breathing heavily in the elevator.

"Are you guys alright in there?" I ask.

"Just a little claustrophobic." They say in a panicky voice.

There is a small screech and a little yelp out of both of them. I hear footsteps at the end of the hallway.

"Over here!" I yell getting their attention.

The group of security come over and get the elevator open. We look down into the fallen shaft and I freeze. Inside is Elijah and Veronica kissing. I stumble back a few steps. They climb out of the shaft and look at me.

"Thanks for saving us." Veronica smiles.

Us. They word sounds so wrong hearing her say it about Elijah and herself. Then they walk away hand in hand. The sight makes me feel


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