Chapter 1

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Have you ever felt like that despite being close to your family,despite living in the same house you are miles apart from each other?
       Well, I have felt that and let me tell you this,  that it's not a very happy feeling at all.
      Oh you might be wondering who am I ? Let me introduce myself  I am Liliana Prescott but mostly my closed ones call me Lili.

         It is all dark in my room except for the little moonlight which is coming  from the window. My room always feels like a prison although it is spacious but it feels like this because I am only allowed to leave it to go to school then I have to come back and be here for the rest of the day until dinner. It is the same routine everyday. I am not allowed to socialize and I think I am better off without friends. What is the point of making friends if all of them are gonna leave your life eventually?

       I am  currently  sitting on my desk chair, writing in my diary, my only friend. I am sad, I want to cry my heart out, scream at the top of my lungs  but all I can do right now is write my feelings down. As I am writing down how I feel, I realized that my eyes start getting teary , even a few tears escaped and fell on my diary. The words are starting to get blurry now I can't even see what I am writing down.

    And then I heard something drop in my room which startled me as there's no one at home today. I am scared shitless to turn around to see who is it as I am just a 12yearold home alone. There could be a burglar what if someone did break in I can't even defend myself as I am overthinking about all the possibilities of what it could be I feel a presence of a shadow leaning above me, now I don't have any other option but to turn around as I do it I slip from my chair and fell down but there's not even a floor beneath me why am I falling down in darkness , it's getting darker and darker as I try to scream for help not a single voice comes out of my mouth.

         "Ahhhhhhh" I sat straight up in my bed. I am gasping for air , my cheeks are wet from crying as I do the breathing exercise to calm myself down to get a hold of myself. I realize that it has been so long since I last had a dream like this before. I don't want them to start again. I am not that weak girl anymore who was pushed around and instead of standing up for herself all she could do was write it all down while crying like a baby. I am never ever gonna be that girl again. I was so lost in my own thoughts that I didn't even hear my mom screaming from downstairs to get up and go to school.
         If I don't get ready now I will never hear the end of it so I got up , took a shower and as I was getting out of the shower I realized that as always I forgot to take my clothes with me so I ran towards my closet as water dripped from my body onto the floor. As I start to select what to wear, which isn't gonna take that much time because I am gonna go with my signature look today, which is a white tank top with black skinny jeans and a leather jacket. I am gonna wear doc martens to complete my outfit. After doing some make-up, I was ready to go and be done with my last day at this highschool.
       We are moving to New York this weekend because of my father's business. He owns a chain of hotels all around the world, our hotels are one of the best five-star hotels which makes us pretty loaded but how long can money matter and make you happy when you can't even spend an hour with your family without being interrupted by a phone call.         
My father rarely has time for me. He's always on business trips and even if he is home he has meetings so I don't get a chance to become a part of his schedule. Nevermind because if I started counting the imperfections in my family I will be sitting here for weeks.
   As I am going downstairs, I can hear my mom in the kitchen talking on phone so I just grabbed my backpack and was out of the house before she could come out of the kitchen to give me my daily dosage of her insults to make me feel like shit the whole day. Sometimes I wonder if I am even her own daughter.

     I got in my car which is Mercedes Benz AMG G63

     I got in my car which is Mercedes Benz AMG G63

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And I was off to school. I reached there pretty fast because it was just a 15 minutes drive.

The day at the school went pretty fast. The last day was pretty much like any other day as I don't have any friends which made the leaving part pretty easy because I didn't have anyone to say goodbye to today. It's pretty sad not having any friends but it doesn't really matter to me because I am used to this.

      After I left school, I came straight back home because I haven't done my packing yet which is gonna take alot of time.

        When I was packing I made a pile of things which were brand new and I wasn't going to wear them ever as my mother bought them for me knowing I would never wear such bright colours. I am going to donate them so that it wouldn't go to waste. By the time I was done with packing , it had gotten pretty late so I just asked my driver to drop off these clothes to some shelter because I had to sleep and I was so tired with all the packing.
      I am leaving for New York early in the morning. It's gonna be a hell of a long 10 hour drive but it's better than being stuck in a plane with my mother for some hours, the whole time wanting to jump out of the plane. My parents are already in New York as they already left today after lunch.
    I didn't really had a good night sleep as I couldn't stop thinking about the new life waiting for me in New York. The whole night went by me staring at the ceiling , a thousand thoughts going through my head. At 4a.m, I finally got up to get ready to leave for New York. I wasn't in the mood for breakfast. Heck Who even eats breakfast this early , so I just grabbed some granola bars with a bottle of water for the ride.
My bags were already in the car thanks to the maids. So I just got in the car and was off to New York city.
      I didn't realize that this journey was going to change my life forever and turn my life upside down.


  I hope you guys enjoy this story .

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Kindly give me some feedback and if you have any opinion I will be happy to hear that opinion.
One more thing it is just a filler chapter. The main story will begin after this chapter.


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