chapter 1.Meet karina

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Bryans pov:


      I was so excited. Mom told me she had a surprise for me at the house. My mother doesn't really do surprises. So im super excited.. I told my Animatronoca that O had to go home early.. I walked out of the pizzzeria and said my everyday quote

" And that was another day at Freddy fazbears pizzeria!" I said really enthused.

   I jump into my car and turn tje engine on. I was so excited tobget home that I missed a light.. Oops hehe..

At Bryans house:

3rd person:

   Bryan pulls up into his drive way. He gets out of the car and locks the door. He then goes into his pockets and grabs a hole ring of keys

You would think that je wouldn't have over 100 keys. Well he does. Bryan then picked out a key that was golden woth a pikachu on it.

He then puts the key in the lock and turns it to the right.

Bryan walks into his house and sees his mom talki g to someone... She was an Animatronic.

This Animatronic had long purple hair with ears sticking up on the top. She was whlearing a white and light purple striped shirt with a white and purple skirt that has a giant bow on the side. She had white knee hight tights with dark purple heels that made her really tall..

"Oh Bryan your hear already!" The mother said.

"Ya mom, but whonis she?" Bryan asked his mother.

"Oh this Karina shes your Animatronic Guardian and protecter." His mother said.

"Oh.. Thats cool!" He said..

    Bryan then walked over to Karina and held out his hand.

"Hi there Im Bryan!" He said really excited.

     Karina put her hand on Bryans and shook it while giving him a bright smile.

"Hi Bryan my names Karina!" She said really happily..

       Karina then stood up amd grabbed something.

"Bryan can you close your eyes real quick?" She asked.

"Sure!" He said.

     Karina then walked behind Bryan and put a star shaped locket on his neck.

"There we go now we know that you own me" she said.

"Thank you karina, but you don't gotta say it like that where friends!" He said.

"Really?!?" She said really surprised.

"Ya, also you could come meet my friends tommorow!" Bryan said really happy.

"That would be wonderful!" Karina said genuinely.

        Karina was so haply to hear tjag she had a friend. And that she was fonna have even more friends.

"Alright you 2 you go have fun", bryans mom said.

"Come on karina!

     Bryan then grabbed karinas wrist and pulled her to the door. He then pulled her outside. And they both ran toghether to the pizzeria...

????: so bryan has a new friend..... Interesting... Lets see how long it will take for those 2 to BRAKE!'


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