Chapter 15 A new Evil has Risen

Start from the beginning

The girls and I shielded Astrid and Holly waiting for the impact.

But it didn't come.

I looked up and saw Jade was no longer in front of us. I then heard roaring coming from the side of us.

I looked over and saw Toothless had pinned Jade down as Hiccup, Cam and Cobi came running up to us.

Cobi helped me up while Hiccup helped Astrid up and Cam helped the rest of the girls up.

I looked over at Jade and saw that she had managed to throw Toothless off her and was now attacking him.

Jade all of a sudden slashed a claw down Toothless' side making him roar out in pain.

Without warning Hiccup ran in between the two dragons, splitting them up. He put his hands both side of him to keep them split.

"Jade that's enough!" Hiccup yelled at his raging sister.

Jade snarled at him before trying to go round him again.

"Jadeena I said that's enough!!" He yelled at her as if he were telling a young child off.

"This is not you Jade, come back to us" He said softly as she stopped growled

Jade then shook her head and her eyes turned back to normal.

She warbled confused.

"Jade?" Hiccup asked to see if she was ok.

She looked past Hiccup and at Toothless who had blood dripping out his wound. She then looked down at her own paws and saw they were covered in blood.

I felt really bad, I wanted to go over and comfort her but I think she had just realised what she had done and she wasn't happy about it.

"Jade, its ok he's fine" Hiccup tried to reassure his sister and pat her neck but she back off.

"Jade he's right you would never have hurt us intentionally" I said to her and she looked over at us.

She shook her head and flew off.

"Jade!" we all yelled.

"We'll go after her you guys get help Toothless!" Lisa yelled her and Shannon both ran off to find Jade.

I ran over to Hiccup and Toothless, who was laying on the ground in pain.

"She slashed him pretty deep" Hiccup explained as he placed a cloth over the open wound.

"That wasn't Jade though and we all know that" I said trying to calm Toothless down by patting his head.

"Knowing Jade though She's gonna beat herself up about it though" He replied sadly.

"Not if the Lisa and Shannon can talk her out of it"

Hiccup finished patching Toothless' wound up and patted his head.

"There you go bud" he said giving him a sympathetic smile

"Astrid are you and Holly ok?" I asked turning towards the two.

"Yeah, just in a little shock that's all, is Toothless ok?" She replied and asked.

"Yeah the bleeding stopped but I think he's just in shock" I replied and looked at a sad Hiccup

"He'll be fine Hiccup" I reassured him

"No it's not Toothless its Jade, she is never going to forgive herself for what happened here"

"Well that wasn't Jade Hiccup that's was a dragon that was being control by someone to do something that she would never normally do" I answered.

Suddenly an explosion went off near us, making Holly jump and scream.

"Astrid get Holly and yourself out of here, me and Hiccup should go and see what that was" I told them and they agreed.

Astrid called her dragon and flew off on her with Holly with her.

"Astrid take Toothless with you to rest" Hiccup said to her.

Astrid's dragon took Toothless with him in her paws back towards Berk I was guessing.

"Come on let go find out what that was" I instructed before running off.

The whole village was destroyed and a wreck but all we could do was keep fighting, this guy turned my best friend against me and I will stop at nothing to get him off my home.

We ran to the town center which didn;t even look like the town center anymore and tried to find this Drago Bloodvist guy.

"You both are heard to get rid of I'll say that" A rusty voice said, making us both flinch and turn around.

"You know people like you never get what you want because something always goes wrong along the way" I bravely said as Hiccup shielded me.

"That's for most people, but I am not one of those most people, I always make sure everything goes to plan" He replied smirking.

A fire ball then came out of no where and almost hit me but Hiccup pulled us both out the way at the last minute.

A new horn tune was then played out of nowhere and Drago gave an angry moan before turning to the two of us.

I looked down at my leg and saw it had partly been hit by the fireball making it bleed.

"Looks like you guys have won this time but next time I won't hesitate to take you both out and I won't miss" He said before retreating to the boats.

Hiccup then tensed us before starting to run after him but I put my hand on his arm stopping him.

"Hiccup don't, he's not worth it. Let him go"

"I just can't believe he would do such a thing, What happened to your leg?" He asked worriedly.

"Fireball just hit it I'm fine" I replied before seeing Lisa and Shannon run up to us.

"Did you find her?" I asked as Hiccup help me up.

He rested me against him as I couldn't quite stand on my leg.

"No I think she left the island" Lisa said tear blaring in her eyes.

"We'll find her don't worry Lis in the mean time we need to help clean up the village" I said looking at all the mess.

"You are not helping with anything until we get that cleaned up" Hiccup fathered me and gestured to my leg, which was covered in blood and dirt.

"Fine" I sighed.

"You girls go help with the clean up and continue trying to find Jade, I'll go get cleaned up" I added.

The girls both nodded at me before running over to help the other villagers.

"Come on let's get you back to Jade's house" Hiccup said as he started walking me back towards Lisa and Jade house.

I had to hop and to be honest it was starting to hurt. All of a sudden a pair of arms picked me up bridal style and continued carrying me to the house.

I looked up and saw Cobi had been the one to pick me.

"Thank you" I said pressing my head against his chest.

"Anytime" He replied kissing the top of my nose and smiling.

I then felt sleep take over me and I drifted off into a worried sleep about Jade.


Well there you guys go the is chapter 15 what did you guys think? Let me know in the comments below.

Thanks for the support

Luv ya guys

Tia 💕💕💕

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