🍋Kakuzu X ThiefReader - Hunter and Hunted

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[A/n: So this idea was sent to me by @Sellekat. I hope this is to your liking girl. I am thinking about giving this story a sequel so let me know what you think! 'Thoughts' are in cursive.  Also, the request line is open so if you have anything you wanna see, drop me a message. It can be anything as long as it doesn't contain Zetsu! Author-chan out!]

I hate this... I literally, utterly, hate this. I hated our scam from the first second but it wasn't like we had any other choice. We were depended on our scams to eat and have a roof above our head. Every few months Umi and I had to move because word travels fast but for now, we were fine where we were. I just hoped that travelers would soon visit this town again. This only works on people passing by.

There weren't many people in the bar. Just a few regulars and a few new faces I didn't know but they didn't meet our requirements. I huffed in annoyance and turned around to the Chiko the bartender. "Chiko please... pretty, pretty, a cherry on top, please" I begged, giving him my best puppy eye look I could muster. Chiko knew all my tricks as he was a victim of them many times before.


"But Chiko! I'm really thirsty" I tried again, this time leaning over the bar a bit, using my elbows to push my breasts forward and creating a bigger cleavage. The v neck of my shirt was deep enough as it was but Chiko was a sucker for my breasts, they always had a captivating effect on him. His light brown eyes stared at the curves for a few seconds before he finally was able to shake himself out of his daze.

"Just a glass of tap water is all you're gonna get," He told me reluctantly, holding the glass under the cool running water. I nodded happily and took the glass he handed me. The water was cool and refreshing and I eagerly gulped it down, finally getting rid of the parched feeling in my throat.

it wasn't sake but it had to do because it didn't seem like business would be picking up anytime soon and I didn't have any money.

Umi groaned as she sat down beside me, leaning her head in her hand and sighing loudly. "This sucks Y/n! Where are all the f*cking men?"

Umi was my sort-of-partner-in-crime. Umi was my age, with legs that appeared to be neverending. She had long blond hair and her eyes were a deep dark shade of brown. Umi always complained that she was chubby but that wasn't the case. She was curvy and curvy was just what we needed for the tricks we pulled. Men like curves, simple as that.

"I don't know Umi, better luck ne-"

My voice froze when I saw two men walking into the bar. One of them had an average length with slicked-back silver hair. He wore a black cloak, decorated with red clouds on them and the cloak was only zipped halfway up, showing off a well build chest and abs. His eyes were a magenta color and I had to admit, he was fascinating.

His companion was much taller than the silver-haired one. He was at least 6.4ft, towering above everybody else in the bar. The parts of his skin that I could see were tanned and under the wide cloak, I could only imagine that he had a very muscular build. His face and hair were hidden under a mask but what got me most were his eyes. The green irises were surrounded by red sclerae and I couldn't see any pupils. He piqued my interest, to say the least.

The two males took a seat in a booth and scanned the area without saying a word. They appeared to be waiting for Chiko to alk over to them and ask if they wanted anything to drink but they would be shit out of luck. I never knew anybody who was lazier that Chiko. I had never seen him on the other side of the counter so I would be highly surprised if this would change anytime soon.

Umi and I exchanged looks, a secret code to figure out if we were both into this. Umi cocked an eyebrow and a smirk tugged on her lips. I turned around to Chiko and snapped my fingers to get his attention from my chest back to my mouth again. "Chiko, a bottle of sake and four cups please"

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