Ying was lying on the ground, holding her leg, the bullet went right into her thigh. I have to help her, I won't lose another teammate like Buck. I pulled the backpack down from my shoulders. I shot her with the stim pistol, to ease her pain. But unfortunately, Lion wasn't helping.

Lion: "What, the hell happened there?!"

Marco: "Can't you see I'm busy? Instead of barking, cover my ass!" –I rushed as I could, I can't do a miracle on the field.


Marco: "AND IF YOU DON'T SHUT UP? AND COVER ME, ANOTHER ONE WILL DIE. The bullet hit an artery in her thigh, if I don't stabilize her, she could bleed out and die!" –Lion grunted and stood in the door, watching out for any other White Masks.

The stim pistol, slowed down the bleeding, but not enough. I grabbed a tourniquet out of my backpack, and fastened it, above the wound. I grabbed some gauze too, and put it around her leg. That should do it for the moment, but she needs professional medical attention, right now.

Marco: "We need extraction right now!"

Lion: "Our comms are jammed, we can't get a single message through!"

Marco: "Then we have to cut the power, to disable the jammers! I need to stay here with her!"

Blitz: "I'll go, Lion stay here and cover them, I will search for the switch-box. If you see the lights go out, then you will know that power went out."

Marco: "You are planning on coming back right?"

Blitz: "I hope so. Again watch the lights." –He grabbed his shield and disappeared in the darkness.

Long stressful minutes passed, as Ying was bearing with the pain, and Ela, just sat in complete silence.

Lion: "Why is taking so long? Come on get back here old German freund." –He said it quietly thinking nobody will hear it.

Then suddenly, gun shots could be heard in the distance, and lights went out. Lion immediately reached for his radio, and tried to contact HQ. After seconds of trying, finally, connection was established.

Lion: "Thatcher, we need immediate extraction, Ying is bleeding, and Ela has concussion, I will inform you on the details later. WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT YOU CAN'T BRING A HELICOPTER HERE?! YING IS DYING! WE CAN'T MOVE HER! I DON'T CARE IF YOU BREAK THE RULES! BRING THE HELICOPTER HERE WITH A RESCUE BASKET! WE ARE AT THE ENTRY POINT, HURRY UP!" –He shouted with Thatcher, I didn't think, that he can care for somebody's life this much, now, I think completely else of him. War can change everyone, or was he always like this?

Lion: "Blitz, come in! Blitz! ELIAS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD? ANSWER! COME ON, ANSWER!"

???: "He's dead, and in a few minutes, you will be too!"

Lion: "NO! Those bastards killed him! I'M GOING TO KILL EVERY ONE OF THEM!"

I quickly get up, in an attempt to hold him back. I stand in front of him, and put my two hands on his shoulders

Marco: "We need you here, we got two injured, I need to stabilize Ying as good as I can! Extraction will be here soon, and you heard what he said, they know we are still here, they can show up in any minute!"

Lion: "We can't leave him there!"

Marco: "Lion, he's gone!"

Lion: "What if they just lied?! WHAT IF THEY CAPTURED HIM!"

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